You Don't Resemble A Hero
You Don’t Resemble A Hero
Heroic you are not
there you are on the steps of a state capital
with your weapons you’re armed to the teeth
believing that you are heroic you’re caught up
in your own delusional mentality
there you are marching with your lit torches
lips dripping with vileness and hate
your group of thugs has taken over a the dark street
you are believing you are heroes
but what you suffer with is severe mob hysteria
and a grandiose mob mentality
you clearly aren’t heroes as you go about threatening
and frightening innocent people in the streets
there is nothing about you that is heroic
your children you may deceive
you may even get
your wife involved and she too you may deceive
but you are not heroes in any conceivable way
you are no more than thugs bullies and cowards
that for some reason the law allows you to carry guns..
Let’s speak of the real heroes
the unselfish kind
those that daily put their own lives on the line
you know like those that ran into the World Trade Center buildings
as they were collapsing down
let’s speak of the real heroes warrior soldiers
those that went off to war
(but for some unknown reason you didn’t
you didn’t sign up you couldn’t make yourself go) what was it..
let’s speak of the real heroes nurses and doctors
nurses aids the janitorial service working day and night
risking their own lives in this pandemic fight
but there you are groups of delusional heroes
on the steps of a state capital armed to the teeth
and still another group of thugs
dripping vileness from between their teeth
with their torches lit as if this were 1938 Kristallnacht (the night of broken glass) in the German Streets
you are not heroes by any stretch of imagination
but there are some that will willing be deceive
Clyde A. Wray
October 24, 2020
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