You don't need to train to be scared!
Lilo Santana
"Reset Your Mind & Body for Extraordinary Success in Life, Business, and Career"
I have been following the aftermath of the shooting incident at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.
It is pretty disconcerting to me that I keep watching these videos of training being offered to school staff and students in which they are showed being hiding under their classroom seats, covering their faces with a book! Really! A book for cover and "hiding" under a seat as a strategy to confront a freak animal that is going to shoot you in the face? What is wrong with this picture?
Following the 1999 Columbine High School shooting incident, I was able to access videos that were not released to the public in which students were shown hiding under the tables at the school cafeteria. One by one, students where being approach by the two sick freaks that were about to shoot them and asked if they believed in God. Then they would start laughing and shot these kids in their faces. 18 years later we are still teaching kids to do the same thing to defend themselves. Hide under a table or seat but yes, cover your face with a book as well. That's fucking going to help...
Will common sense tell you that in addition to turn off the lights in the classroom when shots are heard or, an alarm code comes over the speakers, have a student call 911 while others pile furniture to block the door or doors to the classroom and try to open a window to escape are good defense measures!
How come common sense don't tell you that pilling your bigger and heavier students by the doors to wait for the freak to try to enter the room and beat the shit out of him and neutralize him is not a better tactic than hiding under a seat and wait to get shot in the face? Shouldn't we be teaching these students how to fight for their lives instead of teaching them how to be submissive?
I also saw for the first time a training video in which a company, which unfortunately I don't know the name, was actually teaching more aggressive tactics with teachers standing by the classroom door with a fire extinguisher in hand ready to smash the shooting freak face. That is what we need to be teaching...
These fear and submissive mindset is just out of hand in all aspects of our everyday lives and need to stop.
If you are a teacher, even a student, you already realized that the 15 minutes of fame by politicians have been expended. That means that they won't do shit about the issue of school violence. Honestly, I don't really think they can do anything anyway!
The school violence issue is not for the politicians to solve! Is for you the teacher, student, parent, friend, family member to solve! When you see that school friend writing stupid shit in Facebook, confront him. When your kid has spend 10 hours playing stupid violent games on video, take the shit away from them and send them to play basketball outside or put them in a Karate class. Want to experiment violence? Get the shit kick out of you a couple of time and that will tame you a bit.
In the mean time teachers, just do this one thing for yourself. Get a nice wood baseball bat, it will sound better than aluminum when it hits the face of that shooting freak, and put it right next to your desk. Then task the heaviest, bigger and meanest students in your classroom with pilling up by the classroom doors and beat the shit out of that freak when he comes in.
Trust me, it beats covering your face with a book under a seat...