You don't need Money, You need This!
Ajinkya Shaurya
ASK Mind Coach | Master of Mindful Awareness Teachings | Business Leadership & Human Enablement Expert | A Lifetime Student of Self Awareness
Congratulations! You've won a Lottery of $ 1 Mn. but...
Just 1 small condition. You can't spend any of it ever, but you can keep it with you as your Money forever.
How Ridiculous is that !?
What's the point of having Money when you can't spend it by choice?
Exactly the Point!
No One wants Money as the ultimate, we want Money to get something else.
So what really matters is NOT the Money at all!
It is what you Want from that Money, that matters.
Let's assume you have all the money that it takes, and rather more than enough. What all would you do now with that Money?
For sure you have a list ready, don't you?
We know what all we want, which is Great.
But have you observed that even 'What you Want' keeps changing with Time?
If you were a 5 year old, you're list would be very different and crazier than the 15 year old you.
Whatever you may want today in your life, is also bound change into something else sooner or later.
The ultimate Goal of every Goal is going to be Happiness. Can you see that?
Whatever you want.. or you need.. or you desire.. or fear.. or want to escape.. or want to fix.. or avoid anything..
It is either because it ensures some Peace to you, or it adds to your Happiness, or it helps you avoid or fix some kind of Unhappiness in you.
But how to be really Happy when there are lot of issues yet unresolved? Like Money Problems, Growth Problems, Relationship Issues, Health Challenges.. and the list often looks endless..
So we are not yet happy because we are insufficient and dissatisfied, and because we are unhappy, we can't really give our true best at anything, thus a very prolonged struggle keeps going on & on, endlessly..
Unless one learns to Separate the Mind and the Situation, one can never really take charge of anything.
Imagine if someone learns & masters one's own Mind, then the outside situations, no matter how Good or Bad, Big or Small, have ZERO Impact on you.
When you operate with Clarity, you're Present, Aware & thus you are super Powerful to Change anything about your Life, right away.
Learning Self Awareness, is the Answer, no matter what the Question is.
The Formulae for such a Super Powerful Life is..
(Unconditional) Happiness + (Infinite) Abundance* + (Deep Sense of) Meaningfulness = the (Self Aware) Life You truly Deserve in both aspects..
* Abundance is not when you have a lot of money. So what is it? Keep reading..
Let's look at each one of them..
The Power of Happiness -
The Additional benefit is, that People who are deeply Happy inside, don't need a lot of things in life to make them feel good.
Meaning No unnecessary expenses, usually wasted in short term gratifications.
Pleasure seems to be the need of the history, not that you can't experience it, but no more hunting for it, no more allured or governed by it.
When Clarity is high, Happiness is bound to be high!
When Happiness is high, Comfort becomes uncomfortable. You want to do something, to use all your energies up, to grow beyond..
This extra benefit of Clarity, sets you Free from the age old human problems of Procrastination, Inaction, Laziness, Ineffectiveness.
Making you so very super efficient at whatever you do, and so consistently well, that its hard to not really grow exponentially from there.
The Power of Abundance -
Highest Self Belief, Self Worth & Self Love, ensures you operate from real Abundance.
Which is to say, you just don't 'believe' it, rather you've Realized it as a living fact, that you would never fall short or anything you ever want or need. Everything is always in your reach.
Imagine experiencing NO Scarcity, NO Lack, NO Stress, NO Anxiety, NO Poverty, NO Fear, NO Insecurity, NO Greed, NO Desperation, NO Attachments.
Imagine experiencing Absolute Freedom from all the concerns and worries forever, unlocking your Infinite Potential to Grow in all aspects of your Life by leaps & bounds, and keep going perpetually.
We make Money to ultimately feel that Abundance only. Isn't it true?
But confuse & misguide ourselves with the conditioned concepts of exact opposite things, like Financial Security, Economic Freedom, Savings & Wealth Creation, etc.
If you still think that these things will give you Happiness & Abundance? Please Think again! and Keep thinking..
Until you realize the fact of Life, that rather with Abundance, you'd be able to create infinitely more of everything, without feeling weak or vulnerable.
The Power of Meaningfulness -
Unless there is Happiness & Abundance within an individual, there can be no real Giving , no matter how true the Intentions are.
One who is deeply Content & fulfilled, only that one can overflow and really Give with ZERO Expectation.
Even if you expect people to just value or respect your Giving, even that is nothing but an expectation, isn't it? So where is the true 'Giving' happening? Not in spirit at least.
And no matter what you or others choose to call it, the inside state of Happiness & Abundance will always tell you where you are at.
Our ignorance to this, causes all the Emptiness & lack of Sense of Connection with Self, with the World, thus often also Loneliness.
Further all of them creating a Vacuum, an emotional Void, which breeds the need for a Feel Good, no matter how temporary or fake.
Thus the Desires become important, Pleasure, Comfort & Convenience becomes the priority.
Happiness takes the last seat, Ignorance becomes the bliss & Suffering becomes normal.
All of this keeps going on & on like a vicious cycle, unless you choose to breakthrough.
Thankfully the same cyclic movement, when led with Awareness, also leads to an Infinite Upward Spiral of Happiness, Abundance & Meaningfulness.
Start Learning & Taking Charge NOW! with ASK Mind Coaching
Master your Mind, Master your Life with Master of Life - A Self Discovery & Life Leadership Program
Join us for an Open Ended, Q&A based ASK Live Session on 'How Mind Makes Money?'
Also Learn the Most Powerful, 3 Keys to Absolute Freedom, extracted from the distilled Clarity of 'Mindful Aware Teachings' of KriShiv AnantaGuru.
1. 16th Feb 2022 - 02:30 PM Mumbai
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