You don't need to meditate more!
Matteo di Lorio via

You don't need to meditate more!

So often when people talk about wanting to find more alignment they say something like "Yeah I know I should meditate more" or "I should start meditating again".?I will say: No.?You do not need to meditate more if you currently feel that you're not in alignment and you're looking to feel more aligned.?Honestly? It sounds to me like looking for an easy fix. Like if you just meditate more, you'll find more alignment. That is not true to me nor is it in my experience of working with thousands of people in their personal journey to living a more aligned life.

Let's start with trying to understand the concept of Alignment.?

There is no one way to describe it. And mostly, the feeling of alignment, so what it feels like to YOU when you're aligned, is very personal. It is our personal job to figure out what this feels like to us and there is no one size fits all roadmap to it. Although there are three essential things you want to focus on in?your journey to?living a more aligned life. If you do only one or two of the three, you won't experience the full alignment you're looking for in my opinion and experience.

1. Aligning what you do with who you're meant to be

I truly believe you were?put on this earth for a??reason. You came to fulfill a specific purpose for this life and your contribution is important to the greater evolution. You can stop reading if you totally disagree with this. Because honestly: finding more alignment will be impossible if you do not acknowledge that your life has a purpose for you and it wants to be expressed and lived through you.?

Your job is to figure out what it is. Without getting too stressed?about getting it right. I've worked as a career coach since 2007 and have seen the struggle many beautiful souls experience when they feel they are not in the right place and don't know what they're supposed to be doing instead. Finding your purpose isn't a thing you do once and then you'll be good for the rest of your life. It evolves!??And so it is a continuous journey that you can make light and enjoyable. I know...?if you're currently feeling a lack of alignment and are unhappy with what you're doing in your life you may say: but it is no fun at all! Trust me, you are not alone. And you may not be able to change this overnight and you may not be supposed to.?

Everything starts with your intention. Your intention to want to live a more meaningful life, closer to your purpose and your intention to be true to that and to your "search" in finding it. And like I said, this process should be light and playful. It is the best way to undo all the stress and frustration about it which will only make you attract more frustration. So the very first step is always to align yourself with a light, open and joyful energy. Which leads me to the second important element of finding more alignment:

2. Raising your vibration

Everything is energy. So are you. You could literally visualize your being and body as a ball of energy that is floating in a world of energy. And all is in movement. Energy isn't fixed and is actually super easy to manipulate. Just remember any situation in which you didn't feel so good. Your energy was vibrating at a lower frequency and you felt bad. Then a good friend called, or you just got a message that you received money, or your child comes to you to give you a hug... instantly you feel better. Your situation may not have changed, but something happened that moved your energy and raised your vibration.?

Finding more alignment always starts with tuning your vibration to the highest frequency you can possible experience in that moment. No, you don't have to feel like you're on top of the world all the time! You just want to have the intention to see the good in your day and your life, to be committed to raising your vibration and to feel better. This is challenging as the ego LOVES complaining, dwelling on bad things that happened,?being right, getting what it feels you deserve in a conflict etc. It is a continuous game in which you want to understand how ego works, how energy works and to choose your thoughts, actions and thus your emotions and feelings wisely. Which leads me to the third element in finding alignment:

3. Masterting your state of mind?

This is a tricky one. I remember talking about this during a group training and one of the participants shared how she felt this felt so wrong to her. She was seriously hurt by me saying that we should master our emotions and state of mind. It reminded her of her father always telling her she couldn't cry when she felt sad or hurt as she needed to "master her emotions".?That is not the kind of mastering that I mean, although I can see how this can be misinterpreted.?

Our emotions and feelings are our?compass?on our journey to more alignment. They are the key indicators in any situation for how we can find more alignment. They give clarity on the things we do and the ones we don't want. They give us clues to what we can change to live a more aligned life. So by all means please never try to not feel what you're feeling! You would loose your compass if you try to bypass what you feel in your desire to feel good all the time.

I believe this is by far the most misunderstood part of finding more alignment.


In a Universe and world?of contrast it would even be impossible. You do however want to understand to you can always reach for higher vibrations and that that is a CHOICE. No matter what?situation you are in. It is the most challenging part as this is something we encounter every day and it asks our continuous attention and dedication.?

I will explain all about this during our Virtual Alignment Retreat that I'm hosting in June and July.?You'll also learn how this works for you. As this isn't easy to explain or understand?without experiencing it for?yourself.?

Finding more alignment asks of you to work on these three things at the same time. You don't need to get everything right straight away and all at once. But you do want to keep your focus on all three! That should be your intention and I'd love to give you the tools to do so that have worked for me and for the many clients I've helped make positive changes in their life, career and business over the past 15 years.?

So where's the meditation in all this?

Well, YES: meditation will help you take a step back and?look at your life and situation from a higher perspective. It will help you recognize the ego's games, it will allow you to hear your inner voice more clearly. It will give you clarity and new ideas about?what your life purpose is, what you feel you want to be doing right now. And it will instantly raise your vibration and that will make you feel more aligned. It is extremely beneficial in your journey of finding more alignment! But it is not the magical solution if you don't pay attention to these other three things.?

For example if during a meditation you feel a strong guidance to change your work but you don't act on it, nothing will change... And if you meditate in the morning and feel super good but while driving to the supermarket you feel annoyed by another driver and shout "Watch out you %&#$", it makes no sense either...?

Finding more alignment and making the necessary changes in your life to feel fulfilled is a continuous job. Although job sounds like you need to work hard for it. Which is not true.?

You do need to DO things that allow you to BE a certain way. And this can and should be a delightful process that you enjoy as much as you can. That is the way to find alignment and you can be as human and "imperfect" as your glorious and beautiful soul are meant to be on this earth plane. It is all part of the journey and I would so love to invite you to UNDERSTAND more of how this works. So you can make finding more alignment something you enjoy and get better at every?day so you will create the life that you feel you are meant to live. One step at a time.

If you feel you don't want to this alone I invite you to join me and a small group of fellow alignment (and joy!) seekers for our Virtual Alignment Retreat which starts June 4.

About the Virtual Alignment Retreat

We meet once a week online in a (small) group video call in which we share experiences, meditate and talk about alignment and the things we continuously learn about ourselves about how to find more alignment and live more fully.

I will also share my lessons on how to find alignment, how to understand your calling and how to manifest the things you desire in your life. I have been transmitting what I've learned about this since 2007 and am putting the best of what I have created over those 15 years together for this retreat in an online academy that you'll get access to. With videos, meditations and assignments.

Each week we will work on a specific assignment that helps you?be more present, feel inspired and feel fully alive.?

Fun assignments that will (re-)connect you to your true self, your soul and your calling for this life.?

Week by week you'll feel more aligned and you'll experience more clarity on who you are, what you are meant to be doing and what you'd like to change in your life, work or business.?

We'll be doing this in a group and will be sharing our insights and experiences with each other. Although there is no individual guidance in this retreat, there is plenty of room for you to share your questions, experiences, ideas etc. I love making each session as personalized as it can be.

I have worked online with small groups for over 7 years and absolutely love how much happens in these sessions and how each person in the group contributes to all others' process in their unique way.

I am so looking forward to dedicate the months of June and July to this process for myself and for those who are joining in.?

It is going to be such a pleasure to gift ourselves the time and dedication of living more fully and finding more alignment. I hope you'll join me!

When? How much? Where?

We'll start on June 4 with our first group session.

The group sessions will be every week on Saturday (9 pm Paris time).

Your investment is 250 euros, excluding VAT (VAT may be added depending on your personal situation and country of residence).?You'll get access to the alignment lessons online in the academy which you have access to 24/7 and we'll do 8 weekly group sessions. The sessions will be on Zoom, a video call tool.

You do not need to have any experience in meditation or finding alignment nor do you need to have any specific knowledge or background.

Come as you are and discover more about yourself, your calling and where life wants to take you during this virtual retreat.

Are you joining us?

If you'd like to join, send me a message on [email protected]. Sending you so much love and hope we'll be going on this journey together,



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