You don't need to like your writing.

You don't need to like your writing.

This article was originally posted on Write Wiser .

The biggest lesson of my career so far is that I don't need to like my work.

I'll be clear: I ENJOY my work. But I don't have to like the end result or even be happy rereading what is sent out to prospects.

Why doesn't this matter? The answer is twofold.

1. We're rarely the ICP.

While most of my clients in the fitness industry are happy to work with catmums in their 30s living outside of their home country while working in marketing , that's rarely their primary ideal client persona (ICP). So, I'm usually writing for someone who is unlike me, has different tastes, and very distinct objectives in life.

The same is likely true for you, even if you originally started your company to solve a problem you had, audiences evolve and so do their needs.

2. Objectively liking something doesn't guarantee conversions.

This was really hard to learn because I really care about my writing. I want the company hiring me to have the best output, the best practices, the best words on the page. In my younger mind, that meant that the copy should be likeable.

But if I don't like my work, I can still waltz off into the sunset, pay cheque in hand. The client can't. The company can't. They have to use that output. So while it used to pain me, now I find joy in delivering something I hate, if the client is happy.

What does it mean for copy to be objectively dislikeable?

I have a list of copywriting dislikes that's longer than my arm. For your sanity, I'll highlight only the ploys I've used recently, to great effect.

I feel confident speaking for many writers in saying: we dislike copy that:

  • switches between Title Case and Sentence case mid-piece;
  • uses CAPITAL LETTERS for emphasis over formatting;
  • dots emojis around over finding the perfect words to express the same feeling ??;
  • prioritises impact over accessibility;
  • lets the images do the talking, and complements them instead.

While these are not advisable in all (or even many) situations, the above "techniques" have their place.

Not only can they boost conversions, they can also make writing more memorable.

The purpose of copy is rarely to be "liked"

When we recognise that our copy serves a purpose and a persona, we can let go. Our copywriting can be more free, and more effective.

That said, you won't see me SHOUTING at you on here merely for emphasis!

Learn from the copywriter who's invited back to write for Coca-Cola, IBM, and Moodys.

Interested in learning how to create the kind of copy and marketing plan that can lift your conversions, without changing anything else?

Enroll in the Command Your Content Bootcamp .

Natalie Fisher

Subconcious Breakthrough Career coach helping big-hearted, hard-working humans earn, thrive & live well. —> Currently doing a 3 video a day challenge ???Follow along for the data study & to keep me honest

1 个月

Didn't think of this, I think beating the need to have it be perfect is the main issue at the start anyway

?? Nikolaj C. S. Knudsen ??

Analytical ?? GOATy ?? Musketeer ?? driven by my heart ??

4 个月

Just casually loving this over here and laying an egg for ya ???? ????#4

Swetha Mukherjee

Freelance SEO Blog Writer for Non-Tech Brands| Boosting Traffic, Authority, and Credibility with data-backed, compelling, and unique SEO Blog Content

5 个月

I remember reading this on the Write Wiser website. And to a great extent I agree. And more so because, as you stated, we, the writers aren't our clients ICP. Nadine Heir

David Ketchen

?? Smartist - an Artist who does Strategic Management Consulting

5 个月

You use words I paint pictures I won't paint what I can't feel Because the communication in the painting is emotion Without my emotion there is just pigment No surprise the biggest critique of my business writing was to tone back the passion (well punctuation was more of a guideline than a rule as well)

Tanya Bugbee ?? ??

Transforming Real Estate Pros to Top Producers ?? with bold, tailored strategies and a clear vision to success. Grow to your next level —ditch the ?? ride & navigate to success! All Business Owners included! | PCC | CPCC

5 个月

And watch the Wizard of OZ???? I can never watch this movie again without your perspective!!!!



