You don't need expensive software.
Written without the use of artificial intelligence

You don't need expensive software.

If you are chasing a revenue goal it is easy to look at all the shiny objects aka AI powered software as a quick and easy solution.

You may be a sales leader, business owner, or customer success manager. If you have a revenue or retention goal I wrote this for you.

You don't need an expensive piece of software or a complicated sales methodology. You need to ask better questions!

Yes, it really is that simple. Simple isn't always easy. Before you invest in some magic bullet to hit your goal try this simple thought exercise.

Imagine there is a hiring freeze. You can not recruit any new team members. This includes full time, part time or contractor. In this scenario there is a budget freeze. You also cannot terminate any employees. This is not new revenue. (Somebody tell these big corporations) You cannot spend any new dollars outside of your existing budget. This also means I cannot have my team (or yourself for my solopreneurs) work any over time. Your goal is to increase revenue by just 10% over the next 30 days. For some this is a reality. If you carefully follow this exercise I am confident you will be a step closer to your revenue goal. There is one twist to your assignment. Assume what ever you try is successful. Your idea will work. This will take some imagination. Grab a pad and pen. Let's begin.

Where would you start? Write down 3-5 job functions that will impact your revenue.

What are you doing that is working? How are you tracking your teams effectiveness? What would you change?

What would you keep the same?

What would you do more of?

Where can you find more time within your regular work week. What would you do less of or even stop altogether?

Who would you ask for help? Who could provide wisdom and guidance to help you achieve your 30day goal?

What are you not doing that you should start doing? Think of something you have been putting off. Is this delaying your success?

When is the last time you called your existing customers? Have you asked them for feedback? How often do you ask for referrals? Do you ask them to renew or do you simply wait for them to come back on their own?


Maybe you have already asked yourself some of these questions. Now go back and take the time to ANSWER them. You will be surprised what you come up with. Often the answers you are looking for are inside of the questions you didn't ask. Something amazing happens when you wholeheartedly complete this exercise. You will either discover you are much closer to the success you seek than you thought. Or, you will find the path to success much clearer and even smoother. Take action on these ideas right away. If you feel you need some assistance to get there faster or smoother then you can grab that fancy software tool you heard about. Or hire some one like me to refine your ideas. But, that is step two. Step one is always ASKING BETTER QUESTIONS.

Remember: "One new skill will change your life!" ~Bruce Hill

Pre order my next book "Better questions; better clients" How to increase revenue and retention over the long term without expensive software or complicated sales methodologies


