You don't like my services? Challenge accepted!
Sierra Bishop
Houston’s Roof Whisperer ~ Stopping Leaks, Saving Budgets & Keeping Businesses Covered
When a customer tells us that they aren't a fan of similar products; I welcome the challenge. I realize that I must change my strategy, and just work on the relationship and educate them. I do actually feel empowered in this situation. If a person openly let's me know what their objections are, I can work with that. I feel confident for three reasons.
First, I know that they have never worked with OUR company, or they wouldn't feel like that. (We have the references to back up my cockiness). Call me crazy, but we really believe in what we do and stand by it. Our process is unlike most, in the fact that we spend 75% of our time prepping the roof, before coating. We also will not coat a roof that doesn't need it, or is past it's prime. We also stand behind our work with our 10 year NO LEAK warranty! We show up when we say we will, and we treat others the way that we want to be treated (our mothers trained us well).
Second, our product will save them money, cut carbon emissions AND get them a write off on their taxes. Let's face it, who doesn't love to save money and help the environment? I think that at the end of the day, they are usually happy to be proven wrong.
Third, if you give us a chance to prove you wrong, you will be happy that you listened to us, and you will have a great product to lean on for decades to come! This is not a bandaid, it is a long term solution to prolong the life of a roof.
I am interested to know how others handle rejection in this way?
If you would like to learn more about what we offer, please give me a call or email me at [email protected]
You can also visit our website at
You can also learn more about cool roofs HERE.