If you don't know where you're going
George Swift
Business Mentor, helping Service-based Start-Ups and Small Business Owners to launch and scale their business to £100k+. Speaker & Author specialising in developing Entrepreneurial Mindsets and successful Business Models
Do you have a vision for your business, and do you set goals against that vision?
If you’re like most people, the chances are you don’t. In which case, you don’t know where the heck you’re going, which means you’re probably operating from one of three places: you’re either on autopilot playing out a self-fulfilling prophecy based on your upbringing, learnings and chance-happenings; or you’re on someone else’s agenda; or a combination of both.
If you’re not working on your own agenda, the chances are you’re working on someone else’s. You’re either working on your goals, or you’re working towards someone else’s. It’s time to work to your agenda.
Take the time to think about what matters to you, what’s important to you. Think about where you want to be next month, next year and in ten years from now. What do you want to create? What do you want to learn? What do you want to change or make better? What do you want your life to count for?
Think about your values, your passions and your purpose. Think about what makes you angry and what makes you happy, what stirs you and what bores you. By knowing where you want to get to, you’ll be on the path to identifying your agenda and breaking it down into your own achievable goals.