You don’t know what you got ‘til it’s gone
My wool shoes!

You don’t know what you got ‘til it’s gone

Saturday night and the meatballs are simmering for dinner. Janet Jackson, Q-tips and Joni Mitchell on the radio. Got ‘til it’s gone. And that suddenly rings so true. For my shoes.

SHOES? You are probably wondering if I’ve lost it. Well, bear with me. I’m 66, and I get to rant whatever I want.

I shopped. Stop all press, major news breaking.

Not without major problems, though, because the company that sells the product cannot ship to Norway, so I had to ally myself with my college-roommate from Stanford (still best friends), and shipped the shoes to her, and she then shipped them to me as a gift. Got us right under the ‘gift import limit’. How to get around customs, 101.

However, folks, we’re talking a serious addiction here. I HAD TO HAVE THESE SHOES.

I’m coming clean. I am an addict, a repeat addict, a hopeless addict. I have to have… wool shoes.

Once you have a pair, there is no turning back. Your socks don’t smell, your toes love you, you are always warm or cool, whatever the outside temperature demands. And most importantly, you’re grounded.

I’ve left high heels forever-ish. Which evidently Paris has as well, 40 years after Norwegian haute couture designer Per Spook took the high road (or was it the low road?) and did the most radical a designer had done on the Paris catwalk since Coco Chanel and Christian Dior: He sent his models out on flat shoes. His motivation? “Parisian women can learn from their Norwegian sisters, who can run to catch the next tram, because of their practical footwear and knitted clothes. Parisian women are made helpless by their shoes and tight skirts.” Ingun Grimstad Klepp and I interviewed him for our book Ren Ull (Pure wool) and he was crystal clear. Designing beautiful clothes that are also practical is the hardest thing to do, he told us. Functional is King. (Or Queen.)

Don’t start me on functional units. I’ll be ranting into the night.

Back to my NEW shoes. Why did I need them? Well, because my last pair bought in Allbirds’ SoHo store ages ago, were worn out. I had used them to the point where there is or ws no return, no hope of repair or refurbishing. Yes, I have found a shoe repair shop who insist they can repair anything, however, my old Allbirds will probably have to end their days incinerated. I’ll wear them – I promise – as long as I can, but the reason why I made this immense effort to get a new pair was an act of desperation.

If I don’t have functioning (color-wise, size-wise) shoes that go with all my clothes, I am going into hiding. ?I am staying in.

So, I have wool winter boots (from Norwegian brand Alfa), two new fantastic wool shoes from the Norwegian brand Kastel and from US brand Allbirds, two pairs that are I will have to part with very soon (it will be painful, but necessary, I’m dreading the day my navy Baabuk and grey Allbirds are completely worn out – I notice that Baabuk actually have a take-back service for worn out shoes…).

My other shoes in synthetic materials (what was I thinking?), leather or cotton are mostly sitting there, inactive. Looking at me, saying: why did you even bother to purchase us? Actually, my leather shoes that are specifically designed for my national costume, serve me once a year. But not part of this rant.

Well, some served me well before. When I was in the world of fashion, I wore high heels and towered over everyone, as I am 6 feet tall. Some of them were incredibly uncomfortable, and I have vague memories of hopping home barefoot after understanding that one more painful step was out of the question.

So now, I’m just ‘hooked on a feeling’, to cite another song, by Blue Swede. I’m hooked on wool shoes (and boots), and my toes thank me every single day.

Why did I post this, a wool shoe odyssey? Because these shoes will fulfill EU’s durability criteria without actually doing so (I noticed Baabuk had a 365-day guarantee, but for days owned or days used, I wonder?). These shoes will be used until they are used up.

Which is what sustainability is all about.


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