No, you don't have that!
Shraddha Nigdikar
Consulting Psychologist | Corporate Trainer | Ph.D. Scholar & Visiting Faculty at Elphinstone College
There is a generally prevalent trend to label oneself with a psychopathology – Depression, Anxiety and Stress being most common, people even go on to label themselves to have OCD and PTSD! "I am depressed" and "I have PTSD" have become casual conversation starters. Please understand – if you HAD PTSD, you wouldn’t be of sound mind to be able to diagnose yourself.
Word to the wise – DO NOT DO THAT. Do not self-diagnose and label yourself. ?
It needs professional training and practice to be able to diagnose psychopathology correctly and then prescribe & administer necessary treatment. Please do not become a Google-certified Psychiatrist.
If you think you have a mental health issue, please consult a Psychiatrist or Psychologist immediately. A Psychiatrist is an MBBS MD Doctor and their approach to treatment would be primarily medicinal. It will bring you faster relief if you have very severe symptoms. Yes, there are some side effects to psychiatric medication therefore it must be taken under the proper supervision of the doctor only. Trust them – they are trained to take care of you. ??
A psychologist has BA, MA, MPhil, and/or PhD in Psychology and their primary mode of treatment is psychotherapy. They will help you change your thought and behavior patterns. They will enable you to navigate through your symptoms and develop healthy defense mechanisms. This is necessary in the long term so that you can adjust with your problem and overcome it to live a joyous fulfilling life.?
Both kinds of professionals are TRAINED extensively to help you with complete objectivity and empathy.
How would you know when to go to a Psychiatrist or a Psychologist? There are two main signs to watch out for.
Wanting to keep your desk clean is not OCD. Someone who actually suffers from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder will take your place in a heartbeat if your only problem was to keep your surroundings neat, clean, and hygienic. Wanting to be neat and clean is good manners - not a sickness. Breaking up with your boyfriend itself does not cause PTSD. Every relationship that does not work out is not “toxic”. Do not use these terms so loosely. These are very serious illnesses that make people incapacitated so much so that they cannot perform the most basic activities. These need a professional diagnosis, treatment, utmost care & sensitivity.?
So next time, if you feel like you “HAVE” something, be mindful and observe yourself for a week or two. If your problem persists, please go visit a Psychiatrist or a Psychologist. If it is cool to call yourself “Depressed”, it is just as cool and NECESSARY to go to a doctor. How can you HAVE a disorder but getting help from a professional is taboo!? Mental illnesses are just like any other physical ailment - a broken bone or COVID infection. They need treatment.
So be wise and make an informed choice. Ditch Google and talk to a professional.