You Don't Have Shiny Object Syndrome... You Need a Menu
Imagine that you walk into a fancy restaurant with an amazing, famous chef.
After you are seated, the waiter comes over and informs you that the chef can make?anything! There is no menu because you tell him what you want.
Bewildered by the choices, you ask the waiter what he likes.
"Well, I am quite partial to the Beef Wellington myself, but your choice is entirely up to you."
Your mind still reeling from the myriad of possibilities, you order the Beef Wellington.
"Very good," he replies and takes your order to the kitchen.
A few moments later, a delightfully enchanting scent wafts into your nostrils.
Turning to see what is, you see another waiter bringing a hot, steaming, delicious Lobster Thermador to the next table.
That looks amazing. Smells even better. Beef Wellington wasn't what you wanted. Lobster Thermador is what you wanted!
"Waiter," you call out as your waiter goes by. "Please cancel my order. I'd like the Lobster Thermador!"
"Very good," he replies as he heads to the kitchen to change your order.
Well, good thing you saw that lobster or you might have missed out. Fortunately you caught the waiter in time.
But wait, what's this. Another table is getting Duck à l'Orange. You?love duck, and you haven't had it in years. Lobster is good, but duck, that's a whole other level!
"Waiter!" you call out. "I have made a mistake, please change my order!"
On and on this goes. One incredible dish after another comes out to your fellow diners, and each time you realize that dish what you?really want. Each time you ask the waiter to cancel your order and start on this new dish.
Hours have passed. You have still not gotten your meal, and the waiters and waiting on your so they can close the restaurant and go home.
This is How We Run Our Businesses
When we come into the online business space. No one hands us a menu, but we do often meet someone who suggests one strategy that they like... or that they sell.
So, you try that one strategy, whether it's social media or writing a book or email marketing or direct mail or whatever. Maybe it's working or maybe it's not, but then you discover a new strategy.
The new one seems much better than the old one. More aligned. Easier to implement. More fun. Just better!
So you pitch the old and start the new.
Over and over and over.
You never get anywhere because you're not sticking with anything long enough, and someone tells you that is Shiny Object Syndrome. You need to learn to focus. You are too distractable.
You Need a Menu
The reason that you don't constantly change your orer in a restaurant is that you have a menu. You can see all the options and affirmatively choose one, knowing that you are not choosing the others.
But what happens if you hear the waiter tell the next table the specials they forgot to tell you about. Now you reevaluate your decision with new information.
In business, we have no menu, and we're constantly seeing new ideas, either by watching another do them or by someone offering to teach it to us (in a?paid program.)
Let Me Offer You a Menu
For many years, I have felt that there needed to be a program that taught entrepreneurs all the options to grow their business so they could choose the right one from the start.
After five years in business and meeting thousands of entrepreneurs, I am creating that program.
And I'd like to invite you to be part of the creation of it.
Next Friday, March 28th at 4 PM Eastern, I am hosting an interactive webinar. During the one our session, I will be going through the most common strategies for lead generation and nurture, and then discussing the five steps to online business (Lead Generation, Nurture, Conversion, Offer, Delivery).
I will then invite each person who attends to a call with me to discuss the most valuable and effective way to deliver the rest of this information to them.
By participating in this webinar, you will not only get access to incredible information, but you will get to influence how the program is developed to ensure that it is exactly right to fit your schedule and learning style.
Even better, the early participants will get the opportunity to join the program at a substantial discounted?early supporter rate.
This is not an opportunity we often have, so I encourage you to take advantage of it.
I look forward to seeing you next Friday, and I look forward to building something powerful with you.
-Michael Whitehouse
The Guy Who Knows a Guy