You Don’t Have to be a Prepper – But be PREpared
Over the last couple months, we have seen the spread of Covid-19 worldwide. A lot of people were/are caught off guard due to a lack of understanding of how serious the Covid-19 situation would become and therefor they got caught up in the water/toilet paper panic buying, that we have seen lately. Which is funny because no one is shutting off your water, neither do you get diarrhea from Covid-19?
We always say: Failing to plan is planning to fail and that has everything to do with what we are witnessing going on right now in the world and all levels.
We don’t have to be preppers to be prepared! The word PRE-pared literally means the things we do before the emergency or disaster strikes.
I would hope that people living in areas with natural disasters already have a plan for rendezvous points, back-up communication, extra supplies, etc….. a rehearsed game plan of what if’s. If not, you should have one. Better late than never. The simpler the better IMO.
As we enter week 5 of shelter in place here in CA, we are starting to see people running out of patience and more people taking to the streets, not only here, but other States like Michigan already had decent sized protests as well as globally we are seeing more and more displeasure and protests to get back to work and opening up countries again. It will only get worse of the next weeks. Paris has had full on riots in the last 4 days. Some Government models have the patience limits of people in quarantine set at 5-7 week mark, which is what we are entering now.
A great article with a historical perspective.
We are also starting to see some food supply lines being interrupted due to, that could potentially affect what we have access to in the supermarkets in the meat isle.
This article is not meant to be an exhaustive list of things you must have in your kit, but more to get a conversation started and create some thoughts about how to go about being prepared.
If you need recommendations for “survival” prepping etc, Google is your friend! Information for days to read there. It is however time to calm the fears that are driving the panic buying of guns and ammo as well as household items and look at what we need to be/feel prepared.
Let’s establish a few facts about being prepared:
· It is smart, responsible and normal to be ready for an emergency.
· It is comforting and gives peace of mind.
· It brings value – you are benefitting from this.
· It is both easier and more affordable than you think.
· You might actually get some enjoyment out of the process as well, which is fun
A few simple rules to follow:
· Use data - look at reason for what you are doing
· Follow the 80-20 Pareto rule to focus on the right things. Doesn’t take much preparing to be more prepared than 80% of the population.
· There is no such thing as 100% preparedness.
· Stay with simple, practical, and reliable as possible.
· You get what you pay for. “buy once, cry once.”
· Spend a reasonable amount of time, money, and energy, but don’t let it consume you.
As EP agents we are always reasonably prepared when traveling, we have a “plan” for most things. We keep an eye on developing issues around the world and adjust our “plan” accordingly. We love our go bags. They have the gear and comfort items that will help us through these situations, but the logistical planning will get us home. go bag review
“Amateurs talk about strategy and tactics. Professionals talk about logistics and sustainability in warfare” - Robert Hilliard Barrow (1922-2008)
Since everyone is self-quarantining and we really don’t know if we are headed for a lock-down. Martial Law or mandatory situation of sorts, now is the time to get prepared.
Some things to consider having extra of:
· Toilet paper (no need to hoard it though)
· Duct tape
· Bic lighters / matches
· Batteries
· Flashlights/lanterns/headlamps
· Candles
· Bleach
· Plastic bags heavy duty
· IFAk/medical kits –
· extra prescription medicine
· Fever/cough other regular meds
· Isopropyl (alcohol)
· Hand sanitizer wipes
· Hand sanitizer
· Pulse sock
· Thermometer
· Pet food
· Hygienic products
· Fuels
· A grill
· Propane
· Generator
· Water filter
Remember there are a lot of alternatives to these things if sold out. Let your imagination help you out.
Stock up the pantry with foods that doesn’t expire for 30-90 days or more. Nonperishables. Again, to irritate. We are just preparing some things to have in case of a full lock-down. We are still able to go grocery shopping and there is no food shortage yet, but if it comes, you no longer need to panic as you prepared for it. Below is a list of some things to consider and get you thinking.
· Pasta
· Rice
· Cereal
· Pasta sauces
· Beef jerky
· Bars
· Soup
· Canned foods and vegetables large variety
· Grains
· Nuts and seeds
· Beans
· Chocolate
· Coconut milk
· Protein powders
· Honey
· Tea
· Coffee
· Olive oil
· Vinegar
· Wine and alcohol
And then there are the comfort items to think about.
· Board games
· Netflix subscription
· Video games
· Books
· Puzzles
If you are in home quarantine you now have time to take that online class you always wanted, or spend some time face-timing you grandparents or parents, do the list of household items you never have time for. Keep yourself busy. Have goals to accomplish.
If you have space and money for it, I would suggest buying a deep freezer for the garage. Now you have freezer space to last you 30-90 days of frozen meats, poultry and fish. Ice cream to cheer you up and French fries and hot dogs for the kids!
Again, we are not talking about what’s going happen in the apocalypse, when the power is shut off to the world…..that’s a separate article I wish I’ll never have to write.
This was simply meant to stimulate a conversation to make sure we are not caught off-guard if this Covid19 situation takes a turn for the worse, if supply lines dries up and mandatory stays are prolonged into the summer.