You Don’t Have to be Perfect
Do you ever feel disappointed with yourself? You know the feeling. The nagging weight of disappointment that reminds you that you haven’t measured up to your potential or that you’ve fallen short of your expectation. If we’re being honest, we are often our harshest critics. We impose so many corrosive judgements on ourselves. We take ourselves so seriously. If this sounds familiar, it might be worth asking yourself why you treat yourself so unjustly. What have you done to be condemned and sentenced to these repetitive cycles of agonising guilt, shame and regret? Perhaps this is the moment to lay aside the lifelong habit of self-judgement and shower yourself the healing balm and benefits of unconditional love, mercy and forgiveness. Because most of our disappointments are based on wholly unrealistic expectations.
If you can still hear the voice of a disappointed parent in your mind, expressing dismay over your behaviour or your school results, it’s time to turn down the volume and open up a new avenue of exploration. We spend far too much time and energy trying to fulfil other people’s expectations. We struggle to produce a level of perfection that does not exist. We strive for something that is simply unattainable. And we wonder why we can never be good enough.? So, we replay the memory of a parent’s criticism with the accompanying waves of heartache and rejection that extinguish the fires of joy and enthusiasm. It’s time for you to accept that who you are right now is enough. You really are enough to experience more joy, happiness, success and fulfilment than you ever thought possible. That’s right.
Once we step away from these imaginary levels of perfection that can never be attained, we are free to set realistic goals and expectations for everything that’s relevant to our complete wellbeing. The difference will probably astonish you in the best possible way. So, from now on, start each day by looking at yourself in the mirror, smile and tell yourself that you really are enough. Repeat the message until you can feel the warm energy of self-acceptance powering through your system.? Welcome to a fresh, bright and beautifully refreshing way of experiencing the precious gift of your life.