You Don't Have A Marketing Problem, You Have a belief Problem
If you feel overwhelmed by branding and marketing your business, you’re not alone.
Even though I run a marketing shop, there are days when I find marketing to be a soul-sucking, money-gulping and time-wasting minefield, mired in complexity, empty promises and poor results.
These are the days that I ask (?????)? ????.
Those are the days that I just want to blow it all up and go somewhere quiet, and play chess with my friends, drink whiskey, catch bass and write my books.
Luckily those days are few, and my 20-year love affair with marketing gets me out of bed, excited.
My name is Jacques, a marketing evangelist, author and professional speaker.
Most of my clients come to me when they’re at their wit’s end. They’re:
* Confused (⊙_☉)
* Angry ?( . ?° ?? ?° . )?┌∩┐
* Scared ? (?▂? ) …
… that the enterprise they’ve put their heart and soul into is not getting the traction and success that it should.
They come in two forms:
* People who have never tried marketing
* People who have thrown money and resources at marketing, with poor results (or no results)
In my experience, they don’t have a marketing problem, they have a belief problem. A clarity problem. And, they tell weak, insipid, and uninspiring stories.
The actual process of marketing is easy. I’m sure that if you had the time, you could learn it and implement it quickly. But you don’t have the time because you have other priorities, don’t you? Like working on your craft and making sure your families are secure, and that your dreams come true.
There’s no shortage of talent. Marketing professionals are ubiquitous. Shake a tree and a copywriter, social selling ‘expert’ or digital marketing agency will fall out of it.
Let’s be frank. If your business is not growing and is contracting, you should consider increasing your sales and marketing efforts so that you can stay competitive and profitable.
Hire marketers; I’m sure they’ll do a marvellous job for you. Seriously.
If you don’t know where to start, I can introduce you to fabulous marketing people that’ll do an astounding job and deliver on any brief you have.
My particular strength is getting your prospects to choose you, by:
* Clarifying your contribution so that you can build a business that inspires you, and that you’re proud of.
* Writing sparkling and brilliant copy
* Writing legacy-worthy LinkedIn profiles
Set up a call with me so that we can explore how we can expand your business. Remember to bring a chess set, whiskey or a bass fishing rod (>??)