“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” – Zig Zigler
From “The Human Condition: A User’s Manual,” by Arnold Kunst
3 November
From the Which-End-Is-Up Department:
For a number of years I taught recorder to small classes of children in various primary schools. A recorder is a plastic musical instrument about 15 inches long, an inexpensive cross between a tin whistle and a flute, and a wonderful way to introduce music to children from the inside out.
At the end of each school year we would put on a concert for parents and teachers of the music we had learned during the school year. One such concert stands out in my mind particularly. Standing in the hallway just before we entered the room where our audience had gathered, little Jacqueline said excitedly to me, “Oh, Mr. Kunst, I’m SO nervous – do we have to do this?”
When the concert was over and we were once again back in that same hallway, she said, every bit as excitedly, “Oh, Mr. Kunst, can we do that again?!”