If you don't follow up, you are doing a disservice to your client and your lack of follow up will probably drive your client to an inferior product.

If you don't follow up, you are doing a disservice to your client and your lack of follow up will probably drive your client to an inferior product.

If you don't follow up, you are doing a disservice to your client and your lack of follow up will drive you client to an inferior product, service or investment. Can you live with yourself if that happens?

Alright, today I have a bone to pick. Follow up, Follow up, Follow up. How do you think it feels for Clients/customers or just people you deal with in general life if they have to continually chase you? Keep them current and updated on what is going on, or what is not going on.

How many times have I called businesses, where I called real estate agents or people in finance, or any product or service company, and then hear nothing from them? No response no calls back, nothing.

Is your business spending a ton of money getting the client in the door, and then never follow up with them further either after the sale with new products and services or just following through with the sale upfront?

Not only that, most business spend a humongous amount of money getting the client to contact them or even in the door, and then once they get the clients details they never follow up. Not once, follow up again and again and again. Always think like this, if you don't follow up and provide your clients your product or service or investment opportunity, someone else will give that person an inferior product or service. Do you want that for your client? If you don't follow up you are doing a disservice.to your customer. this applies to the front end of sales but also the follow up in the back end. Set yourself apart become contactable and service your client like your life depends on it.

When I build business relationships, it gets quite interesting. When we want to do something in one of my businesses we want answers now and then implement it straight away. It’s the speed of implementation. What gets done gets done and you have less hanging in limbo. And yet for some reason, most business, and salespeople refuse to follow up or be responsive. I get an email automated message like “Sorry I am away on holidays for the next million years and will call you when I get back” Really, I am sorry you lost my business because I have already finished the task and implemented the new strategy by the time you get back. It's over, we live in a time period where people want answers now. So my question to you, is what money are you giving away to your competitors just because you don't have a proper follow-up a system in place?

What money are you giving away to your competitors just because you don't have a proper follow-up a system in place?

So follow up, be responsive. Clients want to know they can call you and have their problems solved straight away. No one wants anything in limbo as that just drains time and resources.

#FocusedtoSuccess #SalesTraining #TheEssentialDifference #PeakStateofPerformance #Followup #businessrelationships


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