If You Don't Feel Chemistry with "Nice" Guys
I just got off the phone with an amazing woman.
Late 40’s, a passionate career in education…
Who for 30 years of her life has struggled to have a healthy, fulfilling relationship.
She stayed with her abusive ex-husband for 25 years.?Hoping for the best.
She stayed for her children.
But her grown children were failing to launch in their own lives.?
And her daughter?had already been in an abusive relationship at just 17 years old.
This amazing woman had been dating for several years.
But she ALWAYS attracted men just like her husband.
Whenever she met a nice guy…she felt ZERO CHEMISTRY and ended it after 1 or 2 dates.
This same, amazing woman had a?very unhealthy relationship with money.
She stayed too long in an underpaying career…hoping for the best.
Just like she stayed 24 years and 11 months too long with her Ex husband…hoping for the best.
To drown out the feelings of loneliness that hit her late in the evenings…she shopped.
Spending beyond her means and feeling more deeply shameful about her position in life.
Not only was she afraid she’d push a great person away with her own baggage and massive trust issues…
She was deeply embarrassed about her financial choices?and feared a responsible, high-value man would see her as “bad news” when he found out her financial situation.
Just?symptoms?of the real problem.
?The REAL PROBLEM was that subconsciously she felt deeply, DEEPLY defective.
Deep down, she felt like “something was wrong with her”. She felt like an outsider.
And because of these subconscious beliefs…(created by *unhealed trauma* and decades of emotional abuse)...
She continued to unconsciuosly create events in her life that CAUSED HER to feel EVEN MORE defective.
She spent compulsively and stayed in an underpaying career because SHAME and feeling embarrassed about herself…
Actually felt MORE COMFORTABLE than financial success.?
She stayed with narcissistic partners because CHAOS felt MORE COMFORTABLE for her than ACTUALLY GETTING HER NEEDS MET.
Even though she knew her choices were keeping her stuck… the idea of someone loving her fully and openly (or having the financial freedom she craved)...
Felt more scary and threatening than staying stuck dating the wrong people or living paycheck to paycheck.
Sadly, this is what happens when you make it your entire life with unhealed complex trauma.
You put up a barbed wire fence around your potential.
You keep yourself small and stagnant.
Because *subconsciously* that’s all you believe you’re capable of.
And you?then?attract men who ALSO feel small and stagnant…and need to emotionally abuse or be a workaholic or alcoholic to feel in control.
Because you attract WHAT YOU ARE.
Not what you want.
Luckily, it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been on this planet playing your unconscious trauma programming in your life (or bank account).
You CAN turn it all around.
You can’t bring in your old habits of ignoring conflict and hoping for the best…or staying too long in draining, self-sabotaging situations…
And expect your life to look different.
You have to get UNCOMFORTABLE and face your fears head on.
You HAVE to properly heal your trauma and all the ways you hold yourself back.?And until you do this…
You’ll continue to “hope and pray” for the best. Just like you “hoped and prayed” for the best with your Ex….
Because AVOIDANCE is a highly common coping mechanism stemming from unhealed trauma.
Past clients who’ve healed their trauma and self-sabotage have:
? Started dream businesses
? Fallen in love with their soulmates…after 30 PLUS years of narcissistic partners
? Fell in love with their OWN LIVES…after long term toxic marriages
? Secured multiple 6-figure salaries
? Paid down debt in record time
Instead of just existing.
If you’re a single, overachieving career-woman who’s 100% committed to getting out of her own way, healing her trauma and self sabotage, having the emotional freedom, life she’s wildly in love with… and ultimately attracting the love of her life…
Book a free breakthrough call and we’ll see if we can help.
?? Fair warning, we are NOT for women who are kinda-sorta interested in changing their lives…if it’s convenient, feels super easy and fits their schedules.
We are for high achieving women willing to commit to themselves like they’ve never done before to see lasting TRANSFORMATION in their lives.