You Don't Fail, You Learn.
Failure is momentary, what lasts longer is the experience.
No one is perfect but what makes you perfect is the battle between constantly falling and getting up on your own.
As said success is surely not a bed of roses, it has its own hardships and struggles on the way.
Failing doesn’t mean giving up, it probably means learning something from your mistake and conquering what you want next time without making that mistake.
In the road of achieving success, failure is just the speed breaker that might slow you down with a bump, but you need to accelerate again to get back with the momentum it takes to achieve success!
Learning can never be done in one go. It is the experience which makes you a pro.
Let nothing stop you, failure , if considered with optimism will bring you a lot of learning and will make you wise.
Not every topper in the school or college succeeds in life and just like this, not every kid that fails doesn’t mean that will fail in his life.
Failing doesn't matter but what matters is moving forward.
Failure is the reason why the process of being successful is a 'Grind' and why you got to Hustle.
You just don't go through failure, you grow through failure.
If failure tells you that you can't, always get up and say "I WILL".