You don’t fail because You didn’t try. You fail because You didn’t try enough.
The problem is not in starting, the problem is sticking with it after you have started. We all human and we make mistakes. We give up when we are not supposed to. Sticking to one thing sometimes becomes a challenge, especially when you are not getting immediate benefits.
For instance, how many times have you started doing something with the aim of doing it in the long haul, only to stop after six days? Because most routines are broken on weekends. Go to the most gyms in January and they are all packed to capacity. Return there in March, April half of the participants are gone, and by July ? of them don’t show up anymore.
Ever wondered why most successful people have very humble beginnings? Because I have many times, and according to my research, it’s because at one time in their life they didn’t have a choice other than doing what makes them who they are now. They had determination, dedication, and laser-like focus to get what they want. They never gave up.
Even Rome wasn’t built in one day. You aren’t good at writing because you haven’t failed enough. You aren’t good in marketing because you haven’t failed enough…fail…fail again, get up, fail again, get up, fail again, get up…and every failure will teach you something you didn’t know before…and if you are keen enough, you won’t repeat the same mistake next time. That’s how you learn.
You don’t build muscles by going to the gym for 8 hours in one day. You have to do it continuously. One hour each day for a month, 2 months…3 months and you will start seeing results.
My take?
…we don’t fail in life because we didn’t try. We fail because we didn’t try enough. We didn’t fail enough…we gave up too soon.
Perfection needs practice and practice needs persistence.
Find a safe space where you can fail as many times as possible without risking too much until you become good at doing it, then move to the next step. Play Big. The only way to succeed is to fail. So, fail fast.?