“If you don’t become the ocean, you’ll be seasick every day.”
Barry Demp
?An Executive Coach Who Empowers High-Integrity Successful Business Leaders to Achieve Personal Excellence.?
How have you been feeling lately??To what degree are you experiencing a sense of well-being or discord with the world around you?
We recently had our piano tuned after moving about six months ago.?They say it takes about this long for a piano to adjust to its new home so that it can be tuned in harmony with its surroundings.
This past year we’ve had our share of seasickness with numerous ups and downs. Slowly, we are regaining our sea legs and have become more at ease within the ocean of our new communities.
How can you move from some of the lower decks of your life to the bridge of your ship to settle your stomach and view the horizon of each new day?
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Today's quote by Leonard Cohen, late Canadian singer-songwriter, poet, novelist