Are You Doing What You Should?

Are You Doing What You Should?

“Do what is right, not what is easy nor what is popular.” – Roy T. Bennet

?Doing the right thing gives you the feeling of peace and serenity and you find yourself doing it again and again. 

We’ve always been told that when you do what you love, you’ll never work a single day in your life. Sometimes what you love is not the right thing for you to do in order to advance further in your life. This brings me to a concept of opportunity cost. 

Most smart people I meet understand the concept of opportunity cost, they just get it.  The problem is, very few of them implement it. Let’s say you are reading a 500 page book, you are now 350 pages in and you realize that it’s not worth your while, but they might be a little bit of nuggets in the last 150 pages and they are 3 hours of reading.  Now, the opportunity cost is not those 3 hours of reading the remaining pages, it’s what else could you be reading. There are many great books out there, so you need to wise up a little bit on how you choose them. The worst thing you can do is choosing a bad book and miss out on great insightful books that may change your life forever. 

In all arears of your life, learn to apply this opportunity cost concept by continually asking yourself these questions, ‘What else could I be doing instead of this?’; ‘Where else could I be instead of here?’; ‘What career could I be in?’; ‘Who else could I be learning from?’  

I once read an article which indicated that the three biggest regrets of people are: 1. Who they chose as life partners, 2. The career they chose and 3.The education they had. And, to the extent, you regret only one of them, you’ll be happier than people who regret two of them and so on. This made me put on my thinking cap and seriously evaluate my use of time, energy and money. 

I can only hope that this awakens you. To be “awakened,” you have to understand your life story and which events shaped you into the person you are today. Gaining clarity on these, will help you learn more about yourself and why you behave in a certain way. This will increase your self-awareness level and help you gain clarity on what direction in life you should take. You are unique and special and that’s what the world needs from you!

Veli Ndaba is a leadership and Insightful Speaker, Life-Coach and Neuro- Linguistic Programming Practitioner, Author of three books (You Are Born to Win, Your Dream is Calling You and SWITCH ON!), Newspaper Columnist and Entrepreneur. To book him to help you and your team unleash your greatness, contact him on [email protected] and 083 304 9773 


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