Are you doing Business or Busyness?

Are you doing Business or Busyness?

It's just frustrating when you are always busy but have nothing to show for it. Busyness is a challenge that faces business owners daily. We are addicted to being busy. In working with many entrepreneurs, it's really obvious that many of us confuse being busy with being productive.

Busyness causes us to run round in circles. How often do you actually achieve results while you are busy? Not often, for sure. So how can you move from busyness to actually doing activities to improve your business? .

Solution: Stop. Yes, stop rushing about and have a serious chat with yourself. You can either continue to burn out in frustration or take time out to reassess your activities.

Find a quiet place, armed with pen and paper and an honest, reflective mindset, ready to consider issues deeply. Ensure you give yourself ample time. Block out all distractions..people, phones etc.

Some questions to ask yourself:

A) What was I meant to do last week/month?

B) Activities done: What did I do last week/month? What helped me get .... done? What real value did I get from the activities I got done?

C) Activities not done: What did I not get done last week/month? Why didn't I get ..... done? What benefits/value did I lose or delay by not doing .....?

D) Plans: What do I plan to do (be realistic) over the next week/month? How will these proposed activities help me? What may prevent me carrying out these activities?

Important: During these reflective sessions, make sure you listen to your mind, body and spirit. Consider your level of energy as well as your emotions, intuition and other feedback you get from yourself and your environment.

Having these sessions with yourself regularly will help you analyze your performance over the preceding time period, review your activities, and re-prioritize as needed, ensuring every activity you undertake is beneficial to achieving your goals.


