You do You, and I’ll do Me

You do You, and I’ll do Me

“If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 50 years ago, a liberal 25 years ago and a racist today.” — Thomas Sowell


Good morning world, how are you? Trusting you slept well, my Queen and I snuggled all night; it was blissful. PVHT is now a fixture in our bed; she sleeps to my right, which forces me closer to my Queen; thank you, PVHT.


The sunrise was a beauty; Bay stayed with us last night; she had a chamber meeting this morning down the hill; she’s a good kid, a good guest, and a decent Gin player. I had multiple Zoom’s yesterday; a good friend is selling his business; I’m so happy for him. I’m working to help him close as I write this soup.


We met Kris and Marz last night; Micah joined as well. Bay showed up, and we had a great meal at Brooks Place Tavern. I talked to a few friends there; everyone was joyful; Conifer, CO is full of happy people. A shout out to my friend Bruce for helping us find paradise.


I’ve got an 8:00 a.m. call, then spending a couple of hours on a project I’ve been putting off, but once done, we are planning to go on our first long hike since my Queen took her tumble. She’s back, maybe 99%, and we will do our 2-mile trek around the neighborhood.


Another afternoon of Zooms before I get my wig adjusted. I’m sorry, Mel, Kayla is 10 minutes away, and I’m looking a little out of sorts. I suspect we will end up at Brooks again; our Cheers, if you will, it’s across the sidewalk from Kayla’s. 


The weather here is perfect, 70’s sunny, and not even May. I think we will get more snow, but for now, it’s springtime, and we will enjoy our good fortune.


I tried to get our shot yesterday, no dice; we will secure our place in line. There is one reason I’m getting the vaccine; I’ll get to hold my granddaughter. 


There is a bar downtown Denver that will not serve you unless you can show proof of vaccination. I won’t be going there; the idiot owner is vaccinated and still has his staff wearing a mask. If you have the vaccine, you no longer need to perform mask theater.


I do have some bad news, an excellent friend, 35 years old, healthy as a horse, is in the ICU fighting COVID. This one is close to home, the first time since my friend Tom early in the pandemic to find himself in the hospital. I sent him a get-well song video yesterday, I’m thinking my corny lyrics and shitty guitar playing is what he might need to beat this bat virus. If you don’t mind, say a little prayer for Patrick. Thank you.


I’ve spoken to many people that will not be getting vaccinated. I think that okay, you do you, I’ll do me, and we can go along and get along. I don’t judge, I have my sole reason, and I know others have their reasons; we live in a free country; God bless America.


These days, I think the big story is the police officer’s trial that arrested the fellow that later died of a drug overdose. I don’t watch the trial; I have other things to do, but I’ve watched some commentary on the proceedings, and it does not appear the prosecution is doing very well. I know that if found not guilty, they will burn the city to the ground; the gaslighting by the media is astounding. That’s all I’ll say; I think you know where I stand.


Like everything these days, there is a political tinge to every story. If you think one way, it’s X, and if you believe the other, it’s Y. I’m open to hearing all sides, and then I like to make up my mind. You can do that, you know, you can listen to things, put them in your mind’s easy bake oven and come up with a conclusion based solely on your knowledge.  Free thinking, what a concept!


I had a conversation with my friend Kris; he described my work, my soup, to another human. She didn’t know I was a chef of words; Kris shared, he likes to push buttons. I’m not sure I would agree with that; I share my thoughts and ideas, and if one disagrees or finds flaws in my logic, I guess it might trigger a response. But that is not my intent; I intend to capture my ideas and thoughts daily so my future self can look back at how wrong or maybe how right I was during a specific time in history.


I am trying to be the best me I can, and I suggest you do the same. Live your life as you see fit, do not allow others to dictate how you live, breath, or think. It’s up to you to navigate this world; get busy working on yourself; it’s your sole mission. You do you and let me do me, and we will be fine when taking our last breaths.


“If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 50 years ago, a liberal 25 years ago and a racist today.”

— Thomas Sowell




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