You DO have the power!
Over the last week the concept of EMPOWERMENT has come up with several coaching clients, so apparently it's a *thing* this week.
(Makes sense given that last week's October full moon was all about moving forward with power and action)
So here are a few thoughts on the subject that may relate to your specific situation:
We give up our own personal power when we allow circumstances or other outside influences (including our own subconscious reactions) to dictate our actions.
When it comes to food, this shows up as stress eating, sugar addiction, or other versions of emotional (reactive) eating.
So if you're looking to lose weight and eat healthier, giving up your personal power to things that happen around you is a guaranteed way to succumb to emotional eating.
On the other hand...
Empowerment is realizing that even though we can’t always control what happens or what’s going on around us, we can ALWAYS control
Remember that you choose your attitude and your personality every second of every day.
You also choose your actions. No matter how badly you're triggered, your actions are still your choice. (That one's hard to swallow sometimes, but it's the truth.)
SO my friends,
I would like to invite you to step into your own personal power -- you may have heard me in interviews referring to this as "Putting on your grownup pants" -- and remind yourself that you DO have the power to choose what you do and how you react to all the emotional triggers around you.
It's not easy, especially at first.
But the more you practice, the more powerful you become.
And I'm here to help you if you want a guide. Just Message me and let me know that you'd like to schedule a call.
Your friend and Coach,