You Dirty, Rotten Scoundrels
"Political Freedom without economic equality is a pretense, a fraud, a lie; and the workers want no lying". -Mikhail Bakunin
Dear Trump Nation,
Congratulations on your recent congressional wins in both South Carolina and Georgia. As the old saying goes, “Spoil to the victors!” The Republicans won fair and square. No question. The people voted and the respective candidates will be joining their fellow Republican in the Senate and Congress, increasing the GOP majority even further.
This is what our democracy is about- the people are engaged in the process and elected officials, that they see reflect the issues that concern them, in each area. I’m not sure about South Carolina, but in the affluent suburbs of Atlanta, where there are beautiful rolling hills and sprawling estates, where rich people like Elton John choose to live, I am pretty sure that money is not a major concern, for a clear majority of these voters. Especially in Fulton County.
However, for the rest of us throughout the United States, who are a part of a rapidly aging population, issues such as Immigration, Health Care, Tax Reform, and Medicaid expansion are key issues, that many of us face every day. Although it is beyond me, that Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin), the leader of the House of Representatives, would craft a bill, that in the words of comedian Bill Maher, “Is so brazen, it needs a safe word!”, is an inconceivable and merciless act, in a country that has prided itself on being compassionate.
I do believe, that on the Statue of Liberty (which was a gift to this country from France in 1883), in a message entitled, “The New Colossus”, by Emma Lazarus, she states the following: "Give me your tired, your poor. Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
This was meant to attract people who were struggling to our country, to pursue a better life. During the Industrial Revolution and both World War I and World War II that followed, millions of immigrants from all over the globe, came to this country because our society offered hope and opportunities, that were not available anywhere else. Many of these immigrants came to the United States, to escape political and religious persecution. Sadly, such persecution continues to exist beyond our shores. Still, millions come to our home to find work, peace and to become a part of the great American melting pot, of cultures from all over the globe.
As a true, blue Yankee-doodle dandy (born on the 5th of July), I am here because of my grandparents, who escaped the threat of death and persecution, from World War I. My grandmother, who came here and had only the clothes on her back, left this life, with three sons, all of whom had respectable jobs, six grandchildren, all of whom went on to college and have careers and families of their own.
Growing up in a mixed lower-middle class and an industrial neighborhood in Chicago, I learned from the example that my mother set for me and my grandmother before her: “You must learn to respect and accept everyone, for who they are and where they come from. You must learn to get along with others, many of whom you will not agree with because, at the end of the day, they are your neighbors. Not knowing what the future holds, you never know what someone will become down the line. You will also never know, if you may need that person someday”.
Growing up in the 1970’s and 80’s, in the days of Archie Bunker, you bet there were racial tensions, in my neighborhood. Growing up in two public housing projects, and a neighborhood littered with factories, stores, and many first-generation Americans, everyone had to work hard to survive. And, you know what we did.
Were there people on welfare? Yes, but everyone worked and tried hard to better themselves. For those of us who chose to misbehave, the legal system had an answer: “Six for the state or for the (Marine) Corps.”. You either got in line, or you didn’t. However, for the most part, people did. They did so because they believed in what Emma Lazarus scribed on the Statue of Liberty. They were the tired, the downtrodden, the huddled masses yearning to be free.
Despite your political success, there is something that is omitted from the current Republican agenda: values, compassion, and respect for the rule of law and government, for which you have been elected into office. Let’s be frank and honest, your budget, your proposed health care bill, that no one has ever seen except for those in the GOP caucus.
It is these things that make you very Un-American. I know that many of you are millennials, for which the rest of us have little tolerance for, simply because we were brought up to share and take responsibility for what we did. We were not allowed to circumvent the rules, as you folks do. If we did, there were swift, immediate consequences. And, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, there will be for you, if you offend and denigrate our republic, like your colleagues in the White House have.
This is not about bitterness. It is not about politics. It is about how we treat the least among us. If as a federal government we cannot support the least among us, we are worthless. Beyond the borders of our country, and within the backrooms of many honest businesses and homes, throughout our country, people are angry. They have every right to be.
However, what has been going on since the inauguration of President Trump is appalling. Many want to blame the news media. However, the truth isn’t the problems with the media, as an institution itself, it is the shocking revelations, by members of your party, especially the White House.
It is now out. Obama warned the CIA about Trump and his dealings with Russia. It was Obama, whom many of you hated, for his open and giving nature, and his wanting to help the less fortunate. Obama was not perfect, but he clearly stood for things that we value as Americans-education, integrity, and compassion for the less fortunate.
As a political party, as a whole, you blatantly refused to work with a man who simply tried to live up to American values, of compassion, integrity, and the civil and moral rights of all. A man who despite an outstanding education and pedigree, he could have worked at any notable law firm in the country. Yet, he chose to work with the least among us, while you have simply promoted the most among us, to help run the government. How we have come to this as a nation, clearly has some racial undertones. To what degree? As elections in South Carolina and Georgia have shown, obviously more than anyone would have ever imagined in 2008.
Yes, spoil to the victors, but shame on those, whose acts, cause harm to the least and most vulnerable of us, and above all threaten our republic. This is not “fake” news, this is the result of the behavior of many who have taken an oath, to serve and protect our country. This is the result, of Donald Trump and his cronies, doing horrid things, in the name of self-adulation and profit.
So, like many of you, if there are angry gun toting, racist Americans that are supporting you, simply because of the populous rhetoric the president spews, and many of you ascribe to, which is based in racism, classism, and politics that support the wealthy, at the expense of the poor, your actions will ultimately decide your fate with all Americans, and your maker as well.
God bless the United States of America, and may he grant you the wisdom to amend the error of your ways, or at least send you home in 2018.