Are you a director of a credit union that isn't doing well? - If so, are you at risk of disqualification?

Are you a director of a credit union that isn't doing well? - If so, are you at risk of disqualification?

The law changed a few years ago to enable the government to bring to task directors of insolvent credit unions who don't live up to their responsibilities by disqualifying them from acting as directors. The first such disqualifications were made about a year ago, and unhelpfully there have been no more since, despite several credit unions going to the wall. So all we have right now is one case to hopefully to rely on to get an idea as to what the powers that be are looking for. But how much of helpful guide is that case? Does it help you ascertain if you are at risk yourself?

Follow this link to go to my exploration of that case. It might give you a clue as to whether you are at risk or not...


