Will You Dig, for Yourselves and for Your Children?
Looking back over how we are here from there, leaves us all knowing that in most of the cases and situations in which are being pressed and falsely forced out of the fantasies of media and government, from local to state to nation and nations, from youth to middle age, even towards the older of all races.
Everyone covering up their own let downs of themselves, of their seemingly just going with the flow of the wrong things over looked for decades, simply because it was just the simplest and easiest way to go and not have to deal with what was believed to be and become not that big of a deal.
1. Allowing other individuals and people to disrespect and even bully, children, giving it a cause and reason of “They are just trying to make them tough or tougher. Openly in every sports and every area within the education of children, “Your Children,” it has become overlooked and even accepted, for some staffing in authority to treat and call and right out abuse children, by using down grading and abusive words and actions, believing that by calling a child fat, or lazy, dumb, even so much more hurtful and harmful, using dirty, even filthy down grading language with a child, many times “your child,” from teachers, and leaders and lets not even start with coaches in sports and coaches in life training exercises.
2. All in the name of the game, a game which has no true lasting gain in life’s true matters. Even the authorities above those who have decided to go down a very dark and evil road, telling themselves they are doing these things because it is simply just the way everyone else is doing it.
3. While the parents of the children, disagree with these actions towards other children, while telling themselves, that it might be okay with and for their very own child as well, it is what will make them tough in this life.
4. On paper the education authorities have rules and procedures, yet in action many of these are never upheld in any situation, because no one ever wants to be the blame of not following and enforcing their own rules.
5. So, they look the other way, as teachers and leaders do these things.
6. The children’s parents because of the love of the sport and because they also had to go through the abuse and such observation of these such actions by others when they were a child, simply for the love of the game, continue allowing their very own children to have to go through such actions and abuses.
7. I say, and always have said, just because it’s a mountain doesn’t mean it should be allowed to stand. I may only have a small shovel, but I will always shovel by shovel dig away at the wrong and evil lusts turning so many against one another and against God.
8. When you are allowing others to do these such things, no longer even in hiding, but right out in the open, many times right in front of you, why would the wrong and abuse continue not to grow. All the while causing and bringing about harder and worse abuse and bullying to the next grade of children in their advancing in life.
9. This is not even speaking about the un controller abusers waiting in the darkness, to do greater wrong and harm to your children. All in the name of the game, the game that is loved by so many, and has become more worthy even in the events of your children having to pay the price.
10. Shame on all who have become caught up in this and these harms and hurts, painful rejections and bullying (s) from authorities and leaders and teachers.
11. When was the true last time a teacher or coach or authority leader was ever dismissed, or reprimanded for such wrong actions? It simply just doesn’t happen because there is a fight which will come from a grown person, yet the fight or and of your children, when they are reprimanded and bullied and abused, who have no fight for actions no different than those they have observed and been taught by their abusers, even to the family levels of doing and fighting no longer for them.
12. Just because something wrong and evil has become simply just the way it is, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t come against it. “Period….”
This is simply just a few example (s), while in everything and every placement within todays world, these very same wrongs have become the accepted new right (s). Just because they are now within every aspect of every value in todays world, doesn’t mean you or I have to continue to accept them, doing nothing and simply still loving the games; both in the schools and education systems and now within every work places, and every placement everywhere.
“Your voice matters, your love matters, You Matter!”
“Your children matter!”
Your Children Matter More, than your own love for the games, sports, education, work places, leadership, and every authority who today simply just decides not to do what is truly Right and Loving towards and for themselves, and all others.
Corruptions and lawlessness, pour evil everywhere, “If you will do nothing about it, then who”?
“Truly how far are “YOU,” willing to go for True and Truth, for Love and what simply is Right”?
There is still time, to seek first, letting this day be and become individually our own First day of “seeking first after the kingdom of God, who is Love, rejecting all else, surrendering to His Love after us each, in order that we truly will turn from the evilness (s) and wrong and hurtful actions of the evilness ruling in our world today.
While there remains time, we have everything already freely given and provided for us each, to simply have another thought, to change our own minds, and to live in the righteous of the One God, who First Loved us each and came after us each, died for us each, in order that we may have true Love.
Yes, it came at very large price, yet, God Loved the world so much, that He gave “ALL,” of Himself, in order that we may be forgiven, and turn from these and all such wickedness (s) and evilness (s) that abused us and now is abusing our children as well. Turning about face, On Purpose, our very own Purpose, of seeking God while time still remains in finding Him.
For the wide road to destruction and death, forever separated away from the freely provided and freely given Love of God in His narrow road, and the mountain to climb is large, before our eyes, but once we decide to surrender ourselves to God, His Spirit so enters our heart and soul, and that mountain for the very first time, becomes observed for what it truly always has been, not even there – because of our own unwillingness, to simply Love God and Love each other, the evil and false, lying mountains of this life, become all which is Good and Righteous, not because of what we ourselves, have done, but because of God’s Spirit, alive and living within us each.
Thanks be unto God, who will deliver us each individually out of this body and mind of evilness, at once, transforming us each, into Him and His Kingdom, in life on earth as within the heavens.
You matter, your children matter, and truly all before us right here and right now, is not simply just a game, it is real, and it is evil and coming after you and your children. Not only in this life, but forever and forevermore.
Lord, In the Name of Jesus, Let our spirits and our souls, enter into you, here and now, in order that we each, receive from You, forgiveness, and salvation, over our own minds and bodies, to Your Point of change and of no return. And let us matter, for You First, and for ourselves, and for our children.