Are you a Difference-Maker?
Are you making a difference in people’s lives, every day?
If you’re not, ask yourself why.
Is it because you don’t want to? You don’t know how to? You live a selfish existence?
I encourage you to do this short exercise with me. Think about your gravestone for a minute. I know, it’s kind of somber, but work with me here.
Most people will have the traditional etchings on it. Some small saying or quote, some engravings, and the date they were born and passed away.
Pretty standard.
But what if we all had to put on our gravestones, and we didn’t have any say in the matter, just one single number, nothing else.
And that single number, that stands there in eternity all by itself, reflected the number of lives we had positively impacted in our lifetimes.
Take a minute and seriously think about what your number would be.
How many lives would you say you’ve positively impacted in your time on this planet?
How many lives have you helped improve, change, or touched, to this point in your life so far?
Would it be 5? 5,000? 5 million?
If that number right now is much lower than you’d like or want it to be, it’s time to fix that. Take some risks, follow your heart, be vulnerable, pursue your passion, go after your dreams, and live life to its fullest.
Life is short, make it count.