If you did something great, people will copy you.
People around you are made to comment on you for whole life, no matter what you do or how you do something but how you take it is really important when it comes to being the special and successful one, the one who just didn’t think of achieving something but also thought of working so hard to take it to that level.
In the start of each business or each person’s journey towards his aspirations, he is judged a million times not just by people around but also by himself, if he would be able to accomplish his goal or not.
So here self-confidence is something which is really important, it is the key which ought to be there and apart from that determination to stick to it is also essential.
The naysayers will just say things behind your back and can actually just make fun of you because they don’t even have that courage or willpower to do something on their own, so they will not do anything but make you feel that it would be impossible to achieve for you but my friend, if you keep on trying, nothing would be impossible to achieve for you and once you will be done with the struggles and hardship it involved and reached somewhere where you wanted to be.
Then those people will only start to appreciate you and make you feel that they had the confidence of the whole world in them that you will be successful one fine day, and not only this then they will try to imitate you because they will have the selfishness in them that if you were able to do this and achieve this kind of place and have made such a progress even they can now so they will try to copy you in every way.
This is actually a vicious circle with one end open where when the other person who will try to put you down initially is going to copy you later and won’t be able to achieve the thing that you did, then he would be kicked out of the vicious circle from the open end and some other person would enter.
But what you have to do is not pay attention to these perverts and keep on doing what you think is best for you and your business and your future. Just never lose your focus and you can reach the height of Mount Everest too.
And don’t forget to tell those people around that ‘Your business is your business, none of their business.’