You Are A Diamond, If You Chose To Be!

You Are A Diamond, If You Chose To Be!

It always seems to happen ....things are going fantastic, your boss tells you your doing an amazing job, you just landed a great account, you closed that big deal, met the person of your dreams and then WHAM!!!  something is thrown in your way,  the path towards happiness just got blocked........ or did it?  it's ADVERSITY  its bound to show up, especially when you think things are going perfectly.  How you chose to deal with it will determine how successful you can become.  When adversity shows up, you should celebrate, its a sign that you are heading in the right direction.   Some of the most successful people have faced adversity or challenges.  The way they handled it is what made the difference.
Imagine if Steven King gave up writing when his first book was turned down 30 times,

 What would life be like if Bill Gates gave up because his first business failed?    We are all given free will we are able to decide our own fate.  It makes me wonder why so many people allow themselves to be defeated.  Its all in your control, control your mind and you will control your destiny. 

Usually before you achieve greatness, you will undoubtedly face adversity. Be ready for it, have a clear picture of where you are going and celebrate because you are closer to reaching your goal.  


