You Deserve To Be Happy In Love
Elizabeth Tritsch
Science based Dating & Relationship Coach, Love Accelerated Founder & Dating Attraction Expert helps singles find love and quickly go from single and alone to partnered and in a loving, committed relationship.
Are you like some of the people I know?
Are you out there dating but not getting anywhere?
Are you doing all the right things and getting responses, going on dates but it’s going nowhere?
One of the ways women (and heart centered men) all around the world are preventing themselves from attracting the right person into their life and discovering love in happy, beautiful relationships is that they believe they are…
not good enough,
not deserving,
not pretty enough,
not worthy,
not lovable,
not valuable enough.
They believe they don’t deserve to receive love from another person and be in a happy relationship like they’ve always wanted.
And that’s simply not true.
Every single person born into this world is worthy and valuable, lovable and deserving of all of the abundance of love that the universe has to offer, including YOU.
The way that you begin believing you are truly worthy of love coming into your life (both the giving and the receiving) starts with you. When you tell yourself over and over:
I deserve this.
I’m pretty.
I’m worthy of this.
I’m valuable.
I love myself.
I am enough.
Things begin to shift. Slowly at first and then momentum takes over. I’ve experienced this in my own life.
For the past 5 years, I’ve been speaking gratitudes aloud and I've started teaching this to the people I work with and have them acknowledge and accept that they are enough, exactly as they are. This has made a tremendous difference in my life and theirs and allows us to attract quality people and receive them openly.
I want you to know that...
There is nothing you need to do to be loved.
You are deserving just as you are.
And I want to encourage you to speak your gratitudes aloud into the world feeling grateful for who you are, feeling grateful for this life you have, feeling grateful for the choices you get to make.
If you forget, as most of us do, you can set little reminders for yourself, whether it be sticky notes on your computer or alarms on your phone, which is what I do. I have several alarms on my phone reminding me that I am grateful and that I deserve all of the abundance of love in the world.
You can take a fabulous red lipstick and write it on your mirror: "I deserve all of the abundance of love in the world." (With few people coming over, who’s going to see? And if they do, you can tell them they deserve love, too.)
You may not think that this would make a difference in your heart and in your life but it actually does. Studies show and successful people know that you attract what you believe, so it’s important to believe you are deserving of love.
Napoleon Hill said, “Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
The more you create belief systems that you are enough, that you are deserving, that you are worthy and that the universe wants to provide you with a loving partner and give you all of the love you seek, the more you start to believe it on a subconscious level.
And when that happens, you’ll start taking different actions – actions that may feel uncomfortable in the beginning because they’re so new and different than what you’re used to doing but are so very good for you. Actions that bring you closer to what you say you want and what your heart desires.
So today I want you to know that you are worthy, you are deserving of love, and you are enough exactly the way you are. And I want you to keep reminding yourself of that, will you do that for me?
Date intentionally because you deserve love and happiness,
?? Elizabeth
Dating Intentionally begins March 4 and it will be such a pleasure having you join and be a part of this. We’ll be together 1 x week for 3 months and you’ll also be invited for 2 Q&As each month where you’ll learn
- the tools and strategies to attract the right man for you,
- how to create a dating profile that gets the best results for you,
- how to move past the blocks that’s holding you back from finding love
- how to text and move to a zoom date quickly and comfortably,
- how to have fun on the date and get to know him playfully while deciding if he’s what you’re looking for, if he's worthy of you and if he’s able to treat you well,
- how to move forward and create the relationship you desire on your terms
And, I''ll answer all your questions. When you get stuck, I'll be there to walk you through. When you have fears, I'll address them with empathy and care. And when you need a swift kick in the butt to get moving, I'll do it virtually with love and compassion (unless you need it harder) because I want you to be happy in love. I want you to have the relationship you want, whatever it looks like. There's no judgement here.
If this sounds right for you and you’d like to have your friends join too, let’s hop on a zoom call (with you or with you and your friends) this week so you can find out more. Schedule your call by clicking this link now.
Don’t put this off any longer. The time is now.
Helping Coaches, Personal Brands and Course Creators to Add $20-$30K MRR to Their Business Within 60 Days—Without Them Lifting a Finger
4 年Awesome post. Many people have this belief in themselves that they aren't worthy - especially women. And they have to change that to find a high value man that will love them for life.