Feeling depressed is no joke. Depression is the leading disability in the world today. Look around you, 1 in 5 people are suffering with some form of depression at any given time. Depression at work is tough. It kills productivity, creativity and fun. It is hard to give your all to the customer…the project…your career when you feel like shit inside.
Depression is an equal opportunity employer. It is not impressed by fame and fortune. It has no sympathy if you are old or young. It doesn’t care whether your name is Martha or Arthur. Male and female get it alike, although depression does tend to favor middle aged women. It is reported that women suffer twice as much from depression than their male counterparts. Having said that men are catching up… fast. Depression doesn’t give a shit who you are, CEO or a minion when it descends upon you, it needs no calling card.
Everyone gets depressed. Everyone will face a loved one dying…a failed relationship or a sick child.
Depression is a human condition, it only becomes a mental illness if you do not do something about it.
Scientists have told us since forever that everything is energy, frequencies, vibration and everything is connected. This is according to the laws of nature. But we humans insist on doing things our way. We see ourselves as apart from nature. The disconnection with nature and all things natural has seen the increase in depression. Let me put it this way…you will never see a depressed frog or an unhappy tree.
If we go with my assertion that depression is a condition of the mind. But what is the mind for? The mind exist to enable you to experience yourself on the planet. So, to be depression must mean that you experience your life negatively. What keeps that negative loop going on and on…month after month… year in year out…your thoughts?
Depression is the experience you get when you are overrun with negative thoughts. The more negative the thoughts the deeper the depression. If you look at depression through this window you can quickly see that no amount of pharmaceutical drugs will help depression. Drugs are physical things. Thoughts are Meta physical. Unless you are in a psychotic episode no amount of drugs will help you out of your depression. In fact they will keep you in a depressed state. They numb your thoughts, feelings and emotions. And what a bitter price to pay. Being depressed is exhausting because it is not your natural state and at the end of the day…all you are doing is keeping busy until you die. What a waste!
Stay close because in future posts I’m going to tell you how to deal with depression personally… depression at work… and how to get your life back.
If you feel like you need personal attention then you may contact me at [email protected].