Are You Delivering Your Brand in Digital?

Are You Delivering Your Brand in Digital?

Digital experiences are woven into the fabric of our everyday lives. Successful companies understand this and strive to build powerful brand experiences across all employee and customer touch points.

So ask yourself, “Does our digital presence enhance or hurt our brand experience?” Below are four questions to consider as you evaluate the way you build and deliver your brand in the digital landscape. 

Do you effectively tell your brand story?
Simply pushing out information about your products and services is not enough. You need to demonstrate what your brand stands for. Be authentic and showcase how you pay off your brand promise to customers. And make sure your content is accessible, sharable and social-media friendly so your brand advocates can easily spread the word.

Are there issues or gaps in the user experience?
Every digital touch point is an opportunity to get it right or get it wrong. And bad user experience means a bad brand experience for your customers. Audit your digital experience down to the fine details.

Do you have a lead generation form on your website? What does the confirmation page say after users submit their information? What about the error message for a form field the user forgot to fill out? If you answered, “I’m not sure” or “My web developer wrote it,” it’s time to audit your content ASAP. Make sure you are consistently delivering the brand experience.

Do you accommodate different types of users/needs?
Your digital users take on many different forms – prospects in research mode, current customers trying to address an issue, job seekers and brand evangelists, just to name a few. Have you built your digital brand experience to accommodate these different types of users? Take time to evaluate your users’ needs and make sure you’re enabling them to address their needs with limited barriers.

Are you digitally and operationally disconnected?
Have you ever checked a store’s hours online only to find they were closed when you arrived? Bad or outdated information and unrealistic expectations spell trouble for your brand experience.

I once worked with a company that touted their exceptional customer service and 24/7 availability in an effort to win more B2B accounts. Customer service was getting it right and marketing was leveraging this in an attempt to attract more customers. Unfortunately, new prospects who submitted web inquiries were told a sales person would get back to them within five to seven business days.

Identify and address these digital and operational disconnects to make sure you are delivering on your brand promise.

To learn more about building a strong and enduring brand, download JPL's Six Ways to Kill Your Brand eBook. We identify the most common mistakes brands make and what you can do to avoid them.


