You Decide.
Summitt Hogue, SIOR
Managing Partner @ Growe - Industrial Real Estate | 3PL Network
There are 5 factors in life that every single one of us can utilize for success no matter where we are in our lives or what mountain we are staring at (career, marriage, sports, etc.). The best part? They are completely up to you. Not your circumstances.
(FYI - These are my personal lessons learned over the course of my life - I repeatedly fail at them every day, but I know I have to consciously continue to work at them day in and day out, in all aspects of my life. Some of this is challenging so if you have baby deer skin, feel free to keep scrolling because this is not for you)
First - Hard Work & Out Focus the Competition
The first one is the most obvious and the one you have heard the most. "Hard Work" - What is hard work really though? Hard work isn't just getting to work early and staying late. Though it definitely includes that, hard work is having blinders on and being extremely focused on doing the best you can with the resources you have at hand. Hard work is keeping your nose to the ground, and your eyes focused on the goal whether you see light at the end of the tunnel or not.
Example - Its easy to get distracted from the goal by comparing yourself to others or worrying about what your company isn't doing for you instead of being grateful for the opportunity you have to work there and figuring it out on your own. Side note - If this is you, maybe consider taking the time to effectively communicate with your boss instead of venting to your co-workers about it. (Some of you just looked to your left feeling a little uncomfortable - stay with me here).
Hard work seems like a simple concept, I can assure you it is not. It is a deep commitment to a goal and a purpose and it is you being the engine & the captain behind the ship at the same time.
On the farm my Dad would always say "Summitt, there is always something to be done. If you finished what I told you to do, that doesn't mean you get to take a nap or kick back in your seat and scroll through Instagram. Find something to do like sweep the barn or organize/clean the equipment".
What do you do when you have finished what your boss told you to do? Kick back, or find something else to work on that may or may not be "your job"? Don't worry this is normal, I catch myself guilty here sometimes as well.
Maybe you are the boss who's the master of delegation. Your machine is just humming because you have someone working on every detail and your feet are up on the desk. What if you went down to the pit where the interns are and started fielding questions and getting to know them? Side note - A complaint I hear from millennials sometimes is man, the higher up's here don't even know my name or that I am even here.
For you married guys - What do you do when you get home from work? Find your spot on the couch and turn on Sports Center or go start a load of laundry and clean up the bathroom too? Side note -I get married in May & this came from the pre-marital counseling. I definitely have to continue working on this.
Second - Positive Attitude
My dad always taught my brother and I that "attitude is everything". My favorite thing about "attitude" is that you control it. No one else. Its not about what happened to you, its about how you reacted to it. You can choose to have a good attitude or a bad attitude when life hits you... and life is gonna hit you.
When I was a youngster my dad used to wake me up in the summers to go to the farm and he would say " you can get up with a good attitude and get paid today, or a bad attitude and not get paid, but either way, you are coming to the farm". He taught me real quick to just put a smile on my face, and go on with it whether I liked it or not.
Early in my football career at Texas Tech, I was on scout team as the little walk-on tackling dummy. I had a choice to make - Do I get frustrated with the fact that I have to run scout team and don't get any reps with the other defensive backs? Or do I work with what I have, keep a positive attitude, and bust my tail on scout team just being grateful that I have the opportunity to run scout defense against one of the most high powered offenses in the country. Its all perspective.
In real estate - You are going to get doors slammed in your face. People are going to tell you to go pound sand and get lost. You have to have thick skin & you cant take it personal. When you do everything right but some external factor blows the deal up in your face and blame gets put on you? That's tough. That's life. Play the next play & keep the positive attitude.
Attitude is everything and YOU control it.
Third - Challenge Yourself
This one is extremely important. Challenge yourself.
I always remember one of my ball coaches used to say - "You are either getting better or you are getting worse. You never stay the same."
In real estate - To me, this business is incredibly exhilarating. To others, its way out of their comfort zone because there is no set income. You eat what you kill - It's challenging. Chase the "big deal" - why not? You might crash and burn or get shot down, but hey, take those lessons you learned from the failure and attack the next one. There is nothing more fulfilling than sitting down, thinking outside the box to create value, and then executing when the opportunity presents itself.
Growth happens in uncomfortable situations.
You are probably faced with some sort of decision as you read this & you will have to make a choice between comfortable or uncomfortable. One is challenging and uncertain, one is a little more comfortable and secure.
Do I ask her to marry me?
Do I start my own company?
Do I have the courage to walk in that office and ask for the CEO?
Do I reach out to the most successful person in my industry and ask for advice/mentorship?
Do I start that non-profit that God has put heavy on my heart?
Do I ask the Uber driver if I can pray over them when we get to our destination?
Challenge yourself.
Fourth - Never Ever Ever Give In
Like Winston Churchill said "Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy."
There will be plenty of times when you see no light at the end of the tunnel as you are pushing forward in your career. Keep working. Keep a positive attitude. Challenge yourself to be better every day & NEVER give in.
There may be times when you see no light at then end of the tunnel in your marriage. Keep working at it. Keep a positive attitude. Challenge yourself to be better every day & NEVER give in.
Just when I thought I was busting my tail for nothing on the football field, BOOM opportunity presented itself.
Just when I thought I was so far in the hole after a year of making $0 in Commercial Real Estate. BOOM, opportunity presented itself.
Fifth - Lean on Christ
If you are still reading this, lucky you - This is the best part.
Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
I am no pastor, but this is my own personal experience of leaning on Christ & what happened.
I'll never forget being at the farm standing at the barn with my dad, looking at a huge white field of cotton ready to harvest the next day. All of a sudden a storm came barreling in and hail just beat it to the ground. He worked that whole year to raise that crop to feed his family and BOOM. In 30 minutes it was Gone. I remember watching his reaction and witnessing pure strength. It wasn't just his strength, it was him leaning on Christ and Christ's strength through him. He didn't cry, he didn't curse God, he just controlled what he can control knowing that God would provide for us. Only God can give that kind of strength.
In real estate - Everyday is wild. There are deals you have been chasing and working on for a year, you have crossed all of your T's and dotted all of your I's, you get to the finish line, and BOOM! That hail storm comes through and beats it to the ground. If I tried to handle that by myself? That can drive a man insane. That can crush your drive. It can ruin your attitude, your work ethic, your commitment to the goal. But with God on your side though? I don't have to handle that on my own. My dad didn't have to handle that on his own. You get on your knees and you press in harder to Christ through that time. Just like growth comes in uncomfortable situations in business, growth in your Faith happens through tough times. God is not punishing with whatever tough thing you are going through. He is allowing the devil to test you because he wants to see your Faith get bigger. You may think I have lost my mind but I can promise you this, if you haven't accepted Christ into your life and experienced that LOVE, try it. (806-632-4672) <-- that's my direct cell phone number & I will be glad to talk about it.
Nobody is perfect. I am for sure not perfect. I have made more mistakes and bad decisions than I could even begin to write down. Fortunately I serve the creator of the universe that still loves me no matter what & takes those burdens and things that would normally crush me, right off my shoulders and puts them on his own. He did that when he sent his son to die on the cross for me, and you, and the rest of the world.
Landing the Plane
If you made it this far, thank you. I appreciate your dedication to reach the bottom of the article & I hope it was worth the read.
My favorite part about this entire article is the fact that all 5 things are 100% up to YOU. You are in control. You decide how hard you are going to work today and how focused you are going to be. You decide if you are going to have a positive attitude or a negative attitude. You decide if you are going to go comfortable and take the easy route, or if you are going to swing for the fences and challenge yourself. You decide if you keep going or if you give in. You decide if you want to accept Christ and lean on him, or if you want to try and carry the weight of the world by yourself.
You decide.
Realtor at Rogers Healy and Associates
1 年????????????
Territory Sales Manager, Account Manager, Director of New Business, Sales Trainer. High energy sales representative. Top 1% in sales with Pfizer Pharmaceuticals. Launched 3 successful businesses.
4 年Thank you for your encouraging words and being such a faithful servant. The best is yet to come! I am so grateful to be in your circle.
??﹟1 Ultimate Sales Strategist | Play Zone ???? | Tell all in my Bio #HighTicketSales
5 年What a great read Summit ! Spot on . I mean it!
Vice President @ Cresa | Commercial Real Estate Advisor
5 年Perfectly said, Summitt!?