Will you create content this week?

Will you create content this week?

Will you create content this week?

Some people have said that their engagement is down.?Is this because there are fewer people on LinkedIn at the moment. If this is the case, you should get better reach, so what's stopping you from creating a post this week.

Remember.?It's about consistency.?Stay focussed and keep creating your content.?Each post that you do is more practice and with each post, you'll improve.?You should go back a few years and see how rubbish my content was?

Here are five content ideas to help you this week.

Your Special Place

For me, it's the sea.?I walk to the seafront at least once a day and sometimes it can be up to four times if we have a walk together in the evening.?I'm happy there.?Do you have a special place that you go to just get away from it all??Somewhere that you can think and get back to basics? Tell us about your special place and why it is special and what you do there.?This could be a great opportunity for a photo or maybe even a video??Our special places can just be a favourite part of your home, a coffee shop, or maybe you have a favourite walk to do.??


My LinkedIn Daily Habit Workshop is all about creating a habit and having read Atomic Habits by James Clear and Routine Machine by my friend John Lamerton I know a bit about habits.?Do you have any great habits that you can share??Habits that help you to get things done and move your business or life forward??Do you have any nasty habits that you do not like about yourself??Can you talk about how you have broken a bad habit or turned it into a good habit, or why not try a fun poll about what nasty habits people have??

International Emoji Day

Ooh.?I cannot wait.?International Emoji Day.?What a fantastic way to do more with emoji in our content.?It's the 17 July which is Sunday.?Sundays are a bit slower on LinkedIn because many people are not working, but this could be a great day for creating some fun engagement.?Try creating a sentence just from emoji for example.?Or what about an emoji poll to find people's favourite or most disliked emoji.?This could be so much fun eh??If you do not want to post on the weekend you could do a post on Monday as a review of all the posts that you've seen with emoji.?Or maybe Friday tell us about emoji day.

150th Open

The Golf started yesterday.?Are you a golf fan??If not then why not talk about the grandeur of the event and the tradition.?Traditions like you have in your business??Or what about the prize fund of $14M with the winner netting $2.5M??Not bad for a few days knocking a ball around eh??A quick web search and you'll have loads of facts that you could talk about and weave into your activities in your business.

The BBC Proms?

The annual Proms concerts start this week at The Royal Albert Hall. With o84 concerts over 8 weeks, there should be something for everyone.?Do you like classical music??You can talk about how and why you love this genre of music.?Have you been to any classical concerts??I see a few people were talking about?André Rieu's concert in Masstrict this week.?Classical music is always spectacular and we know so much about the music, it's just sad that we do not know the names of the songs.?Why not use this as an excuse to share your knowledge and encourage us to listen to more.

Hopefully, this will give you some fresh ideas to help you to post some content this week.

I have recorded a video as part of my weekly challenge to myself for my Monday Post on LinkedIn??HERE"S THE VIDEO

If you want a hand with ANYTHING to do with LinkedIn, please get in touch and I'll record a help video to give you a hand!?My previous weekly videos are on my?YouTube Channel.???You'll also find some helpful "How To" videos too!?If you cannot see what you are looking for, let me know and I'll create one for you!??


If you have any questions please drop me a DM on LinkedIn.

I now conduct a full review of all of my posts for the week in my new?Weekly Blog on my website.?See what works, and what doesn't and full transparency of my data.

Please keep engaging with your posts and come up with ideas to make sure you do your 15 minutes a day!!


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