You Are Consciousness Itself
Kathryn Mussell
?Mentor in service of conscious creators and visionary entrepreneurs.
Where is Consciousness?
Is it a place that resides somewhere?
It is placeless, timeless, infinite and eternal.
To say you are accessing it is not wholly correct.
How are you NOT accessing that which you are?
Are you awake to Consciousness?
To say you are awake to it implies the state of "awakeness" is still relative to not being awake. That is fragmenting yourself from Consciousness by a degree of definition.
When you extend past the threshold of fragmenting Consciousness by defining it as relative to something, you merge with the Truth that you are the Creation, the Creator and the infinite, eternal, unbroken field of Consciousness all at once and there is no separation or fracturing of THAT WHICH YOU ARE.
You will stop using the word awake to describe yourself as relative to not being awake.
As I say to the members of my Timelines Masterclass....
You are not matter or form manipulating Consciousness, rather, YOU ARE CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF, choosing from the infinite field of overlapping wave/particle fluidity to convert frequency into form.
Until this revelation resonates within you on a cellular level (believe me, you'll know when you FEEL IT) you cannot open the doorway to witness the perfect quantum cosmic hologram of all that there is and embrace the full realization of all that you are.
If you'd like some assistance in FEELING this awareness, please check out the7 Points of Light Activation on my Youtube channel.