Are you all about making yourself BIG OR SMALL to accomodate?

Maybe neither works.....

There is a lot of talk about making yourself small so others can get big. But have you ever considered the flip-side? Neither works. They are two sides of the same coin.

Just recently, I discovered the collapse of “I’m a big bold mofo” with pure “courage”.

One day about 3 years ago, this amazing coach made a very important point to me. See, I am very intelligent, well read, obsessed with information actually. I could win and undermine any argument you have on any subject.

And my coach at the time said, “What is the point of gaining so much intelligence? For what purpose? What about having others win around you, Jess?”

I stopped and thought about this, “What do you mean?”

She said, “It’s great you’re really effective at causing results and 'winning', but do you have any regard to what impact you are leaving others with in the process? If no one can beat you on any subject, what is it like for them?”

At first I thought, “That’s not my problem - It’s up to them to get better than me.” And then she kept insisting I look at what was really happening. And then, you see, what I saw is the difference between righteousness, dogma, “I don’t give any effs” and “pure courage”.

I then delved into and checked with others. I asked what it was like for others and I got a reality check.

“I don’t even bother talking to you, you don’t care about listening anyway.”

“You think you’re 'winning' Jess, but what game? It’s only a knowledge game you’re playing.”

“You call it enlightenment and honouring YOU - you’re just being a stubborn, dogmatic jerk.”

Then it hit me. What game am I playing? I was playing the game of being right and looking the best at all costs and winning at all costs. The game OF competition and comparison to others.

Never being open to others is a great defence mechanism. The game I see most of business seems to be stuck in.

The game that rocks me to my core about how people treat others.

It’s like a default game we all ended up playing.

What is pure courage then?

For me, it was acknowledging how useless all my education, information and dogma about my own thinking was for my relationships with people. How it really won't cut it in business. Not now. People want REAL.

I am an incredible online and business strategist. I am unstoppable when I’m connected to purpose. These two parts of my genius are terrible for relationships.

I developed and worked hard for the capacity to slow down, listen, connect and be intimate with others. I had to acknowledge the impact my genius was on others in my life. Courage was acknowledging this and continuing to when it gets in the way. Courage was giving up that I knew anything despite how educated I am. Courage was also loving myself as I am and having compassion for all of my parts.

This takes training and any business or person can learn all of which are a part of the Humanity-Led Business curriculum.

If you want to find out more about how this training can sky-rocket, sales, leadership and purpose-driven culture in your business - DM ME. Or contact below.

email: [email protected] or call Jess Clair @ 0477 00 44 11


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