Are you concerned about climate change but not sure what to do about it?
Skaftafell National Park, Svinafellsjokul Glacier, Iceland

Are you concerned about climate change but not sure what to do about it?

I'm gravely concerned.

I’ve been worried about climate change for many years. I can remember watching Al Gore's documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" and feeling desperate. What could I, one person of billions, do to impact change beyond simply reducing, reusing, and recycling?

Like many of us, I chose to put the gloomy future out of my head. Instead, I focused on my business, my hobbies and things that brought me pleasure in the moment.

I figured someone more knowledgeable, more powerful, and let's face it, more altruistic than I, might actually be able to do something about it. Surely someone would come up with something to save us? Some invention, some policy, or maybe, just maybe, the experts had it all wrong?

Well, they didn't have it wrong. If anything, the scientists underestimated the catastrophic reality we now face. Everywhere I look, the news is bad. Every single day, we seem to walk closer and closer to irreversible disaster.

One night as I lay awake thinking about this, I decided: I just can't take it anymore. I can't keep worrying about this. I have to do something, anything, to address this issue that threatens everything I love.

A few weeks before, I had heard about an organisation that Wes Clark Jr. had joined. It sounded strong, action-oriented, and it promised a clear and ambitious vision of what needs doing. So, I joined up. I started volunteering and have been helping the team in all the ways that I can.

I'm still gravely concerned.

But here's the thing, I found relief in taking massive action. I found a group of people who care about this world as much as I do, and are committed to taking massive action while we still have time.

Today, you can join me. You can help all of us with our mission to bring about a mobilisation - the likes of which we've not seen since World War 2. Because it's massive action, not interim or half-assed measures, that will bring about the change we need.

Are you concerned about climate change but not sure what to do about it? Well, now you can do something.

Donate 20, 50, or 100 Dollars, Pounds, or Euros to our cause and you too can help make a difference towards saving civilisation from near-certain collapse. If you can help, click through to the link and click the red donate button.

Thank you for your consideration.


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