Are you compliant with the new Minimum Wage rates?

Are you compliant with the new Minimum Wage rates?

Are you an employer?

Have you checked out the new National Minimum Wage rates that were effective from 1st October 2016?

If not, you may face the wrath of HM Revenue and Customs if you've got it wrong.

The National Minimum Wage (NMW) is the wage that most employees are entitled to, as a minimum, by law. The actual rate of pay depends on their age and if they are an apprentice. 

 On 1st April 2016 the Government introduced the NATIONAL LIVING WAGE, for all working people aged 25 years and over. This remains at £7.20 per hour. This is compulsory!

This is different from the Living Wage which is set independently by the Living Wage Foundation. This is optional!

For all the details of the new rates and who is exempt have a read of my blog here


