Are you communicating effectively with your customers right now?

Are you communicating effectively with your customers right now?

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed life as we know it, especially when it comes to communication channels. It is likely to still be some time before we resume, as a community, a level even close to anything considered normality when it comes to business and customer meetings. Emotions are running rampant as we one by one experience 'cabin fever' and a state we all know as 'stir-crazy'.

As a Mortgage Broker, I believe there is no one skill more important than communication. This stands with internal and external communication, and both customer and lender communication. If you were to pick just one skill to improve and enhance - this is it!

Not only do you need to be communicating regularly with all channels, but you also need to ensure your skills are sharp and your communication is clear and effective. I'll put my hand up first and admit - I am continually challenged by the world of communication mastery. My level of communication effectiveness can vary from day to day and even hour by hour. This can be determined by how I feel, my emotional state, how tired, stressed, or agitated I am, how busy I am, and even what the weather is like. It's also determined by my physical health and fitness.

But there's one thing I know for sure... if I am NOT focused on and attentive to my communication effectiveness, it will be only a (relatively short) matter of time before my effectiveness is 'out' of tune.

I recently went through a patch of feeling stressed, frustrated, and exhausted... and the result was a severe drop in the effectiveness of my communication and of considerable importance - how I was being perceived. Internally - I was reactive, emotional, short with others, and felt I was not being heard. Externally - I occurred as argumentative, aggressive, and demanding. Two completely different worlds.

On a positive note, I arranged a coaching session with a couple of my personal mentors and began to reflect and grapple with my inner self in a commitment to restore my communication and the core of my state of being. Mental health is a critical element of all of our lives - of yours, mine, our families, colleagues, peers, and of our customers. The result was a significant, clear, and certain transformation of how I was occurring, being perceived and received by others. 

One of the best and easiest ways to maintain good or great levels of communication is to use these skills regularly. You can 'get out of your own head' by shifting your focus and attention on others. Pick up the phone and call a loved one and ask if they are well and safe, call a friend and ask how their weekend was. The same goes for your customers - call your customers and check in with them, ask about their lives, their family. Ask from the heart, this is not a sales call.

The benefits are immense for all involved. It can improve our mental health, our state of being, it will give your mind a much-needed break (You need this! especially if you are crazily busy). Whilst you're talking, take a stroll around the house or go outside in the garden or to a nearby park and stretch your legs - get a glass of water as well. Your mind and body will thank you for it - we need to nourish them very regularly. You may even win some new business with your customers, but that is not the intention of this call.

As a mortgage broker, communication is an everyday thing. Make it your best skill and share it with others. We all want, need, and crave some from each other - especially if we don't say or ask for it.

Note: Don't forget to maintain regular stretching and exercise routines every day and at intervals throughout the day.

I've tried to keep this education piece succinct, so if you have any further questions relating to this topic, please feel free to email or call me and I'd be happy to drill down deeper and answer any questions you have. I've previously conducted many pieces of training like this and others with hundreds of brokers. This is by no means a definitive answer to a challenging situation that has many facets and moving parts.

John J Maxwell, Joust - Head of Sales | Senior Strategist, Cocalex Holistic Consulting.

I hope this article was useful and helpful in your financial journey. If you have any questions or contributions relating to this article, please take the time to comment below and share your thoughts or opinions for the benefit of others reading this. No doubt this topic commands interaction, innovation, and collaboration.

If you'd like some unique and professional articles, like this one, written for your website, blog, or social media, or if you have any personal questions or queries, please feel free to contact me on 0434 455 225 or email: [email protected]

About the author:

John Maxwell is the founder and Content Writer at Cocalex Holistic Consulting. He is also Head of Sales for Joust -

John has 20 years' experience in the financial services sector and has owned and managed 9 mortgage franchises and a holistic advice 'one-stop-shop'. He has developed a broad background within the holistic financial services realm. He has a particular focus and passion for leadership, training & development, financial education, writing, franchise development, and business networking.


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