Are you comfortable with the word Virus?
Hey, Alastair here again! As Mrs Gel & Friends continue to help where we can through education videos and signage distribution during the current Pandemic, I have been thinking about these, potentially hard to discuss, words and terms more and more, and seeing what happens when I try to discuss them with different people:
'Infection Prevention.'
'Infection Control.'
Like me, do you sometimes feel uncomfortable thinking and talking about these words and terms?
Before I dive into those words and terms, first of all, here's my Infection Prevention/Control/Virus/Transmission mistakes from the last couple of weeks...
1. Firstly, I went to take off my mask to then sneeze when in a shop.
2. I went the wrong way down a one-way system in a museum and supermarket.
3. I only took cash when I could have had my contactless bank card with me.
4. I still touch my face too much, which increases a Virus Transmission Probability into my system through my eyes and mouth, and thus pushes down my weekly Scorecard.
(Hopefully, my little Cousin has learned to stop picking his nose and spread germs by now as well).
Back to my question.
Do you feel comfortable thinking and talking about these words and terms?
'Infection Prevention.'
'Infection Control.'
Please select your answer:
When I lost my Grandmother Violet to an MRSA Infection from a hospital in 2002, I was left with the question:
What Infection Prevention measures did I not know about when I was visiting her in a hospital and a care home which I could subsequently learn?
This led to me upskilling and learning these 10 Hospital Rules which I now feel very comfortable discussing because I have the knowledge, and I broke down an internal uneducated barrier that previously said it was not really my job to know that much as a non-healthcare professional, or that it was all a bit confusing and unclear to me.
Since then, and through Sunflower's filming, documentary, and NHS training films work at Sunflower Newsroom, and working alongside Healthcare Professionals like I am above, I have been lucky to have had numerous relaxed conversations about how we can collectively look to improve Infection Prevention education systems in society and in hospitals. I feel really lucky to be able to upskill daily and discuss:
'Infection Prevention.'
'Infection Control.'
'a Virus.'
Because of those experiences and some study, I now feel 70-90% more comfortable discussing these words, politely challenging people for clarification if I see something which could be improved and have a positive potential impact on someone further down the chain (as I write about here), and I actually find it doesn't have to be a scary subject the more one learns about it. In fact, it can become very empowering and enjoyable the more I learn and discuss it.
How comfortable out of 10 are you saying out loud and discussing these words and terms with strangers?
'Infection Prevention.'
'Infection Control.'
10/10? 7/10? 5/10? 3/10? 1/10?
Some questions which I think it may be worth us collectively considering:
Can we get more comfortable in the short-term discussing these words and terms?
Could you see what happens when you ask friends and family what they think/feel when they hear these terms?
Can you challenge someone politely yet if you see a contradictory Hygiene Practice in a shop/store/your home/family that could be improved for the benefit of someone out of site in a care home further down the 'Potential Transmission' chain?
What are your weekly mistakes which you could list on a Scorecard, and upskill on during this Pandemic? What would you like to learn next, or for Mrs Gel & Friends to find out for you regarding Infection Prevention and Infection Control and these words and terms? Please let us know, and we will try to find an answer for you in one of our upcoming shows or blogs on Infection Prevention in the future. A place where people can safely and freely discuss:
'Infection Prevention.'
'Infection Control.'
Thank you.
Have a great day.
Alastair, and the Sunflower, Mrs Gel & Friends Team.
Come and say hello over at - [email protected]
Sunflower's Values are:
Care, Compassion, Commitment, Curiosity, and Giving.
Please email Sunflower, Mrs Gel & Friends at [email protected] if you would like to find out more about our Infection Prevention Nudge Signage and Tailored Education Videos, or you can unsubscribe below.
Stay Safe.
Thank you,
Team Sunflower, and the Mrs Gel & Friends Family.
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