Are You a COACH or ENTREPRENEUR Who Has a "Busyness"? Instead of a Business?

Are You a COACH or ENTREPRENEUR Who Has a "Busyness" Instead of a Business?

Are you a Business Coach or Entrepreneur who is trying to break into YOUR NEXT LEVEL of REVENUE and INCOME?

Do you feel like you are doing too much "stuff" in your business that makes you think you have a "busyness" instead of a business?" Are you confusing being busy with being successful?

Maybe you are trying to break free of the $5k, $8k or even $15k monthly range, but you just can't seem to make it happen consistently.


if you do have a great month, it doesn't seem to be sustainable?

Until you can "dial in" a proven process that's dependable and predictable, you will most likely continue to have a "busyness" without the results you want.

In my upcoming book "How to Build a High-End Consulting Business - The Strategic Game-Plan To Multiple-Six-Figures and Beyond" I talk about the 4-step process to building a high-end business.

These are the "pillars" (framework) to building a strong foundation in your business as a coach, consultant or entrepreneur. Think of building a tall building on sand. When it reaches a certain level, it is going to start collapsing. These four pillars are the strong foundation every business needs.

Here is a FB Live I did with my group of coaches and entrepreneurs where I break this down if you want to check it out.

So, here you have it! How is each of these pillars working in your business? Let me help you get started by creating your High-Ticket Offer.

Grab your FREE Checklist - HOW TO CREATE YOUR HIGH-TICKET OFFER - People Will Want!

Pillar #1 - CREATE - This is taking your vision and creating the business plan, business model and packaging up your services to turn your vision into reality. For example: if you are going to build a $300,000 a year and beyond business, does your business model, offers, prices, and time support that vision? I use the high-ticket business model, and this is what I teach my coaches and entrepreneurs. It is the most streamlined and fastest way in my opinion to build a high-end business.

As many are taught to use the value ladder (start with a free offer, then a low barrier offer, then the next higher level offer, then the premium offer), I have chosen to flip the value ladder, so you start high and back-build down. It is faster and can give you greater financial leaps.

Pillar #2 - ATTRACT CLIENTS - This is your the marketing strategy to consistently and predictably attract qualified prospects to you for your offers and services. It should include the RIGHT MESSAGE to your ideal clients, knowing WHO your ideal clients are, knowing WHERE they are to reach them and the TACTICS you will use to bring them to you.

Your marketing system should take your prospects on the BUYERS JOURNEY from a cold prospect to ready to speak with you about working with you. When you get this "dialed in" as a predictable and dependable lead generation system, you can ramp it up or slow it down whenever you want.

Pillar #3 - CONVERT - This is where you turn qualified prospects into clients with your sales process. Your sales process should also be dependable. For example; if you know you can convert three prospects into clients every time you have ten sales conversations, you now have a manageable process you can depend on whenever you want or need clients. If you want more clients, you ramp up your marketing to have more sales calls or conversations.

Pillar #4 - SCALE - Once you have the first three pillars in place and they are working like a well-oiled machine, you can now start scaling your business into higher levels. This can include automating, leveraging your time or hiring great talent. Many coaches and entrepreneurs try to do these things out of sequence (before the other pillars are in place and working) and it is why they burn up money, add additional stress and frustration to their business or don't make the income they want.

So, here you have it! How is each of these pillars working in your business? Let me help you get started by creating your High-Ticket Offer.

Grab your FREE Checklist - HOW TO CREATE YOUR HIGH-TICKET OFFER - People Will Want!

You can have anything you want in your business, and the opportunity is now to prosper and build your wealth.

Go and make it happen!

#businesscoach #entrepreneur #businesssuccess #marketing #money #consultant #coaches

Like that term--Busyness.? Puts things in perspective when you look at it that way.? Thanks.


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