CA Priya Dodal
Fintech Consultant | Finance Transformation Expert | Startup consultant | CFO | Finance Manager
When we speak to companies for improving their financial close process through automation then they say " We have ERP implemented "
Yes we know ERP helps in closing books but there are still great deals those are taken outside ERP and managed manually.
The majority of our customer are large and having matured businesses with ERP implemented including SAP , Oracle etc. but they face challenges in relation to close process where things are managed outside ERP.
The challenges here are, multiple set of information & data is floating within & outside organisation which are required to be effectively and efficiently dealt with for Smart Close ensuring integrity. Most of these are taken into people's spreadsheet , emails for management outside ERP.
The risk to the business is that these manual processes can increase the chances of bottlenecks, single points of failure, and an over reliance on key personnel who end up being irreplaceable. So what can be done to reduce these risks and ensure that all the relevant qualitative and quantitative information is tracked, stored, managed and continuously monitored and improved?
Well, Myakountant has Automation tools which will help you for Close Process Management so you can Manage , Track and importantly Accelerate your period end close process.