Are you climbing the wrong mountain? Stop and awaken your true purpose and second life!
Wake Up Your True Purpose

Are you climbing the wrong mountain? Stop and awaken your true purpose and second life!

So, you may have noticed I had not written my newsletter for 4 months.

Unfortunately, I had felt overwhelmed, burnt out and quite frankly depressed.

As some of you may know it is not a pleasant feeling and I decided to step back, take some time out and re-assess my life.

What has this period of reflection taught me?

Rather shockingly and it is something that I am still trying to completely comprehend, I realised that I had been “climbing the wrong mountain” for most of my life!

During this time I also experienced a “spiritual awakening” which has given me clarity and a higher level of consciousness (awareness) to understand the trance from which I have now awoken.

In simple terms I had been paying attention to what society had told (conditioned) me was important (work, money, status, achievement etc) to the detriment of my personal wellbeing (physical, mental, emotional) and other vital ingredients for a fulfilling life such as love, friendships, connections, nature, community , fun, interests and so on.

It was mainly work and not much play!

I had not been in balance, and I had been compensating in other ways to get me through the days, weeks and years with the short term pleasures of alcohol, food, and over spending in a highly materialistic world.

I was existing but not living.

In general I was not at peace in the present moment and often anxious or ruminating about the about the future and regretful about the past. I was "stuck in my thoughts" and procrastinating about often quite simple decisions.

I will not doubt write about this in more detail one day in the future, but I think it is fair to say some of this trauma was due to “social conditioning” from family and friends, school, governments etc. I guess you can call it the "the system".

I was caught in the classic matrix or what we sometimes call the “rat race” or the “running round and round on the hamster wheel”.?

I think there was also an element that as human beings we are not designed for such rapid current technological change, our minds and bodies cannot keep up, so the world can seem quite chaotic at times.

This is why I now realise we will also need a global spiritual change or transformation in fact.

A collective raising or evolving of global consciousness, to help us solve and collaborate together on many of the world's current serious challenges.

The world will require great communicators who speak from the soul with a strong purpose to serve and make the world a much better place for them, their children and everybody. We are all ultimately one in the universe!

I remained in my trance/the matrix and did not wake up to reality even though my “inner voice” or soul had always been uncomfortable with this way of living.

Deep inside I knew it just did not feel right or the way it should be.

I did have glimpses of another way over the years (now I can reflect on many sliding door moments) but ultimately I had struggled to find the wisdom, courage and personal responsibility to change and find the peace I was seeking. For example, I had moved to Spain for a better climate, more relaxed lifestyle and to be by the coast. And although this helped soothe me somewhat it was not transformational.

The transformation was always inwards, within me, discovering the divine within me. It is only this way you can find true acceptance, peace and purpose. I am now on the journey.

If you are not awake or you have not discovered this awareness for yourself yet but feel stuck, anxious or lost in your personal and professional life I would encourgae you to listen to your "inner voice".

Ideally during a time of quiet, stillness, silent contemplation, maybe in nature. For me it was the introduction to meditation (just 10 minutes per day) and the practice of mindfulness that proved the breakthrough to "wake up", after suffering some adversity in my life. Everything became clearer.

It is not too late for you. I wish I had evolved such wisdom in my younger years! I do now believe that meditation and certainly mindfulness should be part of the basic curriculum at schools and universities. You really can start again at any moment no matter how difficult it may appear or to overcome the fear of not knowing the future, which is a big one for me!

So, why am I telling you this story and how does it help you?

There are a few reasons.

Firstly, if what has happened to me, has hapened or is happening to you, I want you to know there is another way.

For those of you who feel stuck, lost or anxious in your professional and/or personal life it is never too late to listen to your “inner voice”. If you feel out of balance then you should probably listen more and investigate.

Your soul will speak the truth! It will probably save you a lot of heartache later in life and many years of going through the motions, doing the same old same old becuase that is what society tells us to do.

This will result in a more aligned career, communication skills and life.

The number one way to transform your career, communication skills and life is to "wake up" or "awaken".

Secondly, when you “awaken”, increase your consciousness or become more aware you will realise you have more agency over your career choices, purpose and communication skills.

Conscious career decisions and mindful communication will resonate with you. There will be a desire within you to communicate with clear intentions, actively listen and make decisions built upon empathy, compassion and a "win/win mindset".

Thirdly, when you “awaken” you will realise that as we are all part of the universe (and in fact the universe is within you)?and that an increase in global collective consciousness is necessary if we are to solve the world’s problems.

If you are a professional or leader you will want to participate in this through your everday actions by embodying your raised consciousness and maybe even starting or joining communities to help humanity acheive this goal. You will find ways to "integrate" your raised consciousness into your professional and personal lives.

Fourthly, the peace of knowing the universe has your back will help remove anxiety or being stuck in your life and will help you function better in your communications in business, interviews and your personal life. This knowledge and peace will overcome fear and anxiety and help you cultivate a resilient and "skilled mindset".

So, to summarise if you feel that you are climbing the wrong mountain I would encourage you to stop and take some time to really investigate your "inner voice" and evaluate if you are in alignment with your values and true purpose. "Waking Up" to your true calling in your career and life is probably the most transformational thing you can do. Many people never discover it during their lifetime but it may be within you if you take the time to listen.

I will continue to provide communication skills, career and interview coaching. However, "waking up", spiritual and personal development, evolving your consciousness, consciously choosing your career, communicating and interviewing mindfully and cultivating a "skilled mindset" to do and integrate all of the above into your work and personal life will now be very much part of my coaching conversations and programs.

In particular, I think it's good to talk about these things if you are "awaken" or "spiritually intrigued", particularly if you are struggling to integrate them into your daily career or life.

I have also realised many people are currently stuck, lost or anxious in their careers, communicaton skills and lives in general, so a mentor or guide to have a deep conversation to enable you to be heard without judgement can be very healing and therapeutic.

In a world of rapid technological change effective mindful communication, creating meaningful connections and evolving your and the global consciousness will be vital.

If you would like to know more about "waking up", discovering your true purpose, and communicating and interviewing mindfully please email me at [email protected] , drop a DM on LinkedIn, or set up a free consultation here??

Tatiana Lopez Mera

Sales | Software | Regtech | Suptech | Tax & TR Reporting | Risk

3 个月

Great Post Wayne!! 100% agree! To make desicions based on what your inner voice diactates, It is not easy and is actually scary… but once you take the risk with the first step, you feel how your life starts changing. You can’t predict how long it takes to live what you have dreamed of, so being patient and disciplined is key and consciousness wills give you the rewards you need to keep going??



