Are You Clear On Your Offer?
Charlotte Chalkley
?? Welcome To The Realm Of Healing & Purpose ?? Transforming Therapists Into Masters Of Trauma Release Meaning Long Lasting Natural Change For Their Clients & Themselves Through A Life-Changing Approach To Healing
Confused and lost with getting exactly what you are offering across?
How do you justify the value and cost?
I have been speaking to many of you and to my coaches in my 6 Figure Sales Academy, and the same topic comes up time and time again. When having consultations with people, you’re getting confused and lost with what your offers is and its value, worth and also more importantly the cost.
The struggles I’ve been hearing is that through consultations, we become unclear and cause confusion, and guess what? If you become confused, the person you are talking to will become confused and if they get confused then ultimately, they are not likely to sign up and say yes!
So how do we stop this from happening?
The answer is so easy but yet nobody does it!
Get a piece of paper, a new word document, anything to have in front of you. Think of a title for your offer, services, products and write this title at the top. This is for you, not for your client. This is for you to have clarity in your head and security in front of you in black and white to never go off track. Underneath your title, write down everything that your offer has, its values, its costing. For example, you might be offering 3 or 6 month sessions, a group session with training included, or you’re a personal coach and designed a specific session focusing on what needs work. Then structure your pricing around each offer. Write it all down then you have immediate clarity when speaking to people and avoid any confusion.
So how do we talk about the value and the cost of our offer?
It’s all about the potential result. Think about what they will achieve and the long-term outcome.
If you work with somebody for 12 sessions over 3 months, this will give them an immediate fast impact result. However, your offer of 26 sessions over 6 months will deliver them a potential lifetime result. The difference is massive!
You also need to think about having multiple offers to talk about and pre-pick your best option to suit that client before the consultation and go with it. If it turns out that particular offer isn’t a fit, well you have your other offers right in front of you written down which you can then switch to and talk about. This will stop any confusion, enable you to deliver all values to each offer and if you are not confused, your client won’t be confused and this will then turn into a positive sale!
For those of you that have been going through my Consultation Script, this is a key part! For those of you that haven’t, you really need to as it is super powerful. You can find the link attached and start using today free of charge! Training is included on how it works and why you should use this powerful script.
When using the script, if you find that either the 5-step strategy is not quiet working properly, or you’re struggling to talk about what it is you do, we really need to get clear on those points first.
Think about your offer. I have several groups of people that have clients and some that don’t. Some want to up their prices and some of you with no clients yet are still working for free! No! No more of this!
The process sounds simple, but no-one is doing it!…... Start Today!