Are you clear on these THREE ?
Getting clear on Talents, Skills, Knowledge and STRENGTHS!
Talents are your naturally recurring patterns of thoughts, feelings, or behavior.
Knowledge consists of the facts and lessons learned.
Skills are the steps of activities.
These three –talents, knowledge, and skills – combine to create your strengths.
To win in this competitive world you need to identify your team members’ strengths and allow them to play to their strengths.
You can not go faster than your competitors, however, you can dominate the market if you and your team are playing to your strengths. For example, Steve Jobs and his team at Apple always know their strengths and play to their strengths to dominate the market. We all know that other companies such as Microsoft, HP, IBM so on and on had more resources than Apple in the past. Because Apple has played to their strengths they win in the marketplace.
Have you played to your and your team’s strengths in your company?
To identify your strengths you need scientific tools or experts to help you.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Would you like to have deeper inner peace, more happiness, more money, better relationships, better health, and more freedom in your life?
Consider The Following Programs:
+ 10 Day Money Secrets:
+ Online Mastermind Group:
+ Live Program "You 2.0":
+ Kham Piseth’s Flagship and Advanced Program:
+ CashFlow Workshop: __________________________________________________________________________
About The Author
Kham Piseth, co-author of Two Amazon Books. He is recognized as the most Trusted Coach because he has helped students and clients become successful faster and make more money. He has coaching programs to educate people like you on how to become more successful, make more money, experience inner peace and happiness. Some of his students went from zero to making millions of dollars. Life has never been this way before, he was struggling financially in the past. He spent his time studying psychology and the strategy of some of the most successful people on the planet. Eventually, he got to know a mentor who taught him one secret that successful and rich people in the world have mentors and coaches. He has followed his mentor’s teaching and continuing on working with different coaches. He now dedicates his life to teach the lessons he learned and his life experiences to action-oriented entrepreneurs and individuals who want to become successful, make more money while experiencing more happiness and inner peace.
DISCLAIMER: We don't believe in get rich quick programs - only in hard work, adding value, solving problems for your clients, and taking action with real strategies that can get you results. Nothing on this page or channels or any of my websites is a promise or guarantee of future earnings. Thanks you for your interest in Kham Piseth's program.