Are you checking in with or checking on your teams?
Phil Crenigan
Managing Director, Executive Turning Point. Executive Coach / Executive Team Coach
In a recent workshop organized by The Institute of Managers and Leaders, Dr Tim Baker provided some great insights on what is happening to communication in the new hybrid world of work. With many teams now spending 20 hours per week using digital tools, and in some cases dispersed across States or countries, it is so easy to forget that a great conversation is still the most underrated tool we have in our kit bag when used well and powerfully. Afterall, conversations take place from the Board Room to the car park, occur between team leaders and teams and colleagues every day. It makes sense that if we can improve the communication, we can improve the performance of the Organization and the engagement of our people.
Some obvious barriers to a great conversation include.
Check in's become check On's when we forget it is not about the boss being updated on the numbers, it is about the team member having a constructive dialogue with a colleague. Establishing a positive climate through a positive question and subsequent *appreciative enquiry * builds the relationship, encourages performance and fills the trust and engagement bucket. It is also an opportunity to enquire, to listen, to appreciate, and to celebrate success.
* Appreciative enquiry (AI) is the cooperative search for the best in people, their organizations and the world around them. It involves systematic discovery of what gives a system life when it is most effective and capable in economic, ecological and human terms. AI involves the art and practice of asking questions that strengthen a systems capacity to heighten positive potential. It mobilizes inquiry through crafting an " unconditional positive question'. (Cooperrider and Whitney)
Great questions will set the right climate for a catch up, whatever the theme.
what achievement are you most proud of this week / month? Response. How did you go about making that happen? Who had a hand in the success? How were these people acknowledged?
What are your current challenges and how can I help?
What do you need to do more of? what do you need to do less of? What do you need to change? How, where and when are you going to do this?
Thinking of our culture what do you believe we do really well, ........ how does that make you feel.?..what is the one thing that we should do more of ? .....thats interesting, how will that make a difference?
Opportunities to thank, acknowledge or appreciate in a catch up create a positive circle of trust. That does not mean we avoid hard conversations or accountability issues, but perhaps leading with them in the first 15 seconds might not get the outcome you want.
W Clement Stone notes that there is very little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether its positive or negative. Regular well planned catch ups with our people have the potential to inspire or deflate. So, whether your team is in the office or remote,
Are you consistently checking in with all?
Are you setting the right tone?
Are you taking the opportunity to practice appreciative enquiry and thanks and motivation?
Are your regular sessions with your people adding value for all parties? How do you know? Do you ask?
I hope that this has raised a few questions on the power of a great conversation.