Are You Checked-In At Work?
Who's Your HR? | HR Consulting and Outsourcing Services
Demystifying HR by helping businesses navigate the legal complexities of being an employer & optimizing their workforce!
Are you beginning to check-out? Know the signs for yourself. If you want to help your employees, be sure that you are helping yourself. Consider the signs of "checking out":
Regarding Behavior at Work, Ask Whether You Are:
Regarding Behavior at Home, Ask Whether You Are:
We all have moments where we question the fit of our current work environment. However, it is important to acknowledge the concern and be candid about what you need. It's important for you to be happy at work. To get there, here are a few considerations. Ask:
We spend so much time doing work. Work is not an organization, or a location. It is an activity you do on a regular basis -- for many hours each day. Ensure that what you are doing keeps you checked-in and happy.