Are You Checked-In At Work?

Are You Checked-In At Work?

Are you beginning to check-out? Know the signs for yourself. If you want to help your employees, be sure that you are helping yourself. Consider the signs of "checking out":

Regarding Behavior at Work, Ask Whether You Are:

  • Excited about the mission and your role?
  • "Going through the motions" as opposed to actively engaging in your role? In short, are you focused on getting through the day, rather than accomplishing actions that support the mission?
  • Waiting for something better to come along?
  • Thinking about other opportunities including volunteer opportunities - anything to get away?

Regarding Behavior at Home, Ask Whether You Are:

  • Wanting to take a leave, and looking for start-up opportunities that support your hobbies?
  • Afraid that your position could be restructured or eliminated?
  • Buying in bulk - in case you lose your job?
  • Working from home more than truly necessary?
  • Privately, but aggressively reviewing job reviews during and outside of work?

We all have moments where we question the fit of our current work environment. However, it is important to acknowledge the concern and be candid about what you need. It's important for you to be happy at work. To get there, here are a few considerations. Ask:

  • "What am I trying to achieve?" Be honest with the answer. Afterall this is for you.
  • "Is that I'm doing now helping me to get to what I want and where I want to be?"
  • "Do I need help and how/where can I obtain it?" We all could use a true friend, advisor or family member that may provide data/information to help us on our career journey. Just remember you can gather data and advice, but you are the decision-maker.
  • "What will I do to check back in?" In many cases, a check-out at work is associated with other problems/concerns in our lives. You may have to look deeper at other issues (e.g., health, family, commute, home finances, etc.). These issues may have impacted your focus on work. Youo should be honest about these concerns and seek assistance as appropriate.

We spend so much time doing work. Work is not an organization, or a location. It is an activity you do on a regular basis -- for many hours each day. Ensure that what you are doing keeps you checked-in and happy.




