You Change and Your Team Follows
For many years, companies have sought my expertise to transform their human capital. While an external training program can provide a temporary boost, its impact fades unless the management team is committed to reinforcing the lessons taught. According to a recent survey, the retention of knowledge from non-reinforced development programs lasts only about five weeks. If you believe it's worth the investment to remove your people from the Genba, fly in a trainer, and engage them for a day or two for behaviors that dissipate in just over a month, then proceed.
However, development programs reinforced by management yield a lasting impact. The same study found that reinforced training results in a 15% permanent increase in people's motivation and hence productivity.
Case Study: The Power of Reinforcement
I recently revisited an old client. Initially, I developed a custom sales training manual, trained all salespeople and managers, and collaborated with them weekly for four to five months. Three years later, I returned for a half-day refresher session, only to discover that the manual had been untouched since our last engagement. More disappointingly, no reinforcement training had occurred, and the Leadership Team did not attend the refresher session. This scenario, unfortunately, is not uncommon.
The Importance of Leadership Involvement
To truly change your team's behavior, you must lead by example. Relying solely on an outsider for lasting productivity changes, without attending or reinforcing the training, is a recipe for wasted resources. To make training effective, adhere to the following principles:
1. Active Participation by Senior Management: Ensure a senior management member attends all training sessions. This individual should oversee the reinforcement activities conducted by managers and the team post-training. Embrace the motto "inspect what you expect" and participate in all development activities, even as an observer.
2. Continuous Development: Adopt the philosophy that training, coaching, and team development are primary management responsibilities. Without regular training, reinforcement is impossible, leading to wasted investment. Implement a strong, ongoing, and rigorous program of continuous practice. Regular practice allows your team to share best practices and develop innovative strategies for future success.
? Conclusion
Get involved and stay involved, and your team will produce the results you desire. Remain a spectator, and you will be perpetually disappointed. True transformation begins with you. Embrace the role of a proactive leader, and your team will follow, driving sustained productivity and success.
#leadership #learningbypractice #reinforcingbehaviour #changemanagement #makeithappen