Are you Chamaleon? The Art of effective communication

Are you Chamaleon? The Art of effective communication

If you want to improve your communication skills you should be a chameleon

If you have more flexibility in your communication, people around you are going to feel valuable. And, they never forget you! The chameleons change colour depending on the environmental, do the same with your communication. In communications We cannot treat people “ equally” because every single person is unique.

"They may forget what you said - but they will never forget how you made them feel (Maya Angelou )

Last week I had the opportunity to participate at the Executive Assitant Summit in Berlin.  The case study just before mine was “the Art of Communication” by  Heather Baker. I got so many news tips that I am going to share with you

  •   The meaning of my communication is the response I get back, regardless of my intention
  • An email is a “letter sent electronically”. Be careful how to write: use good grammar, do not use business clichés ( use your own words), be clear ( what is it important to them) and use simple words, use “ and” instead of “but” and offer solutions. Think about who is for
  • Persuasive communications are the Art of getting what you want. Use the adequate tone of voice, body language and content
  • For building a rapport:  take care of your verbal and non-verbal communications, reply the email using the same words of the sender
In summary, be flexible in you communication ( It is not the same to say: sit down, will you please sit down, please sit down or would you care to take a seat) and adap your verbal and non-verbal communication to every situation

Thanks Heather.


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